NEW ARTICLE: Compensaciones de biodiversidad: experiencias en Latinoamérica y aplicación en el contexto colombiano

Author(s): Diana María López Arbeláez, Juan David Quin­tero Sagre

Title: Com­pen­sa­ciones de bio­di­ver­si­dad: expe­ri­en­cias en Lati­noamérica y apli­cación en el con­texto colom­biano (Bio­di­ver­sity off­sets: Latin Amer­ica expe­ri­ences and appli­ca­tion in the Colom­bian context)

Year: 2015

In: La Revista Gestión y Ambi­ente. Vol­u­men 18 (1): 159–177 junio de 2015 issn 0124.177X

Pages: pages 159–177.

Pub­li­ca­tion type: jour­nal article

Lan­guage: Spanish

Source: and the link to the pdf of the article

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SHORT INFO: Extractives industries in Africa: Blessing or Curse?

extratives-industriesWhat’s it about in short: arti­cle adsress­ing the aims of BirdLife Inter­na­tional, IUCN and WWF to bal­ance extrac­tives indus­tries in Africa with social and envieon­men­tal concerns

When was it released: June 12, 2015

By whom: Ken Mwathe, BirdLife

More info: Con­tinue read­ing

SHORT INFO: Positive Impact Manifesto — La banca, determinante en la transición hacia una economía verde e inclusiva

What’s it about in short: A group of 10 inter­na­tional banks recently signed the Pos­i­tive Impact Man­i­festo. This includes a roadmap towards a new par­a­digm of pos­i­tive finan­cial impact on the econ­omy, soci­ety and envi­ron­ment.

When was it released: Octo­ber 2, 2015

By whom: Mer­ca­dos de Medio Ambiente

More info: (in Span­ish, see the pdf of the man­i­festo in Eng­lish here) Con­tinue read­ing

SHORT INFO: Could the UK be sitting on wasteland that offers £7bn in unused ‘natural capital’?

wastelandWhat’s it about in short: arti­cle on the poten­tial of “waste­land” in terms of nat­ural cap­i­tal in the UK, based on a pilot project.

When was it released: Octo­ber 29, 2015

By whom: Sam Tar­rant

More info: and (pay-walled) Con­tinue read­ing

Cactus status post #15

I am all PhD at the moment — so don’t expect too much from me these next few weeks. I apol­o­gize in advance that you will most likely have to deal with severe delays when try­ing to reach me (kind of what some might have already expe­ri­enced in the past weeks). I’m work­ing on the dis­cus­sion and con­clu­sions. I am so focused that I almost don’t notice the cac­tus (appar­ently noth­ing new)…

Octo­ber update:

Cac­tus: 79 cm / PhD: 327 pages

2015, Sep­tem­ber:

Cac­tus: 76 cm / PhD: 297 pages

2015, August:

Cac­tus: 74 cm / PhD: 298 pages

2015, July:

Cac­tus: 70 cm / PhD: 305 pages

2015, June:

Cac­tus: 66 cm / PhD: 205 pages

2015, May:

Cac­tus: 61 cm / PhD: 181 pages

2015, April:

Cac­tus: 53 cm / PhD: 171 pages

2015, March:

Cac­tus: 49 cm / PhD: 153 pages

2015, Feb­ru­ary:

Cac­tus: 47 cm / PhD: 145 pages

2015, Jan­u­ary:

Cac­tus: 42 cm / PhD: 139 pages Con­tinue read­ing

SHORT INFO: Biodiversity offsets — a balancing act

What’s it about in short: Steve Edwards of IUCN’s Busi­ness and Bio­di­ver­sity Pro­gramme explains how gov­ern­ment and busi­ness are look­ing at ways to com­pen­sate for the impacts of devel­op­ment on biodiversity.

When was it released: Jan­u­ary 15, 2015

By whom: IUCN

More info: Con­tinue read­ing

NEW ARTICLE: Re-mining the collections: From bioprospecting to biodiversity offsetting in Madagascar

Author(s): Ben­jamin D. Neimark, Bradley Wilson

Title: Re-mining the col­lec­tions: From bio­prospect­ing to bio­di­ver­sity off­set­ting in Madagascar

Year: 2015

In: Geo­fo­rum Vol­ume 66, Novem­ber 2015

Pages: pages 1–10.

Pub­li­ca­tion type: jour­nal article

Lan­guage: English


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SHORT INFO: The pros and cons of biodiversity offsets


Ariel Brun­ner of BirdLife Europe

What’s it about in short: arti­cle based on an inter­view with Ariel Brun­ner (BirdLife Europe) on the pros and cons of bio­di­ver­sity offsets

When was it released: Sep­tem­ber 7, 2015

By whom: IUCN

More info: Con­tinue read­ing

SHORT INFO: 10 términos esenciales para los CEO en materia de capital natural y sostenibilidad

2015_10_21_10-terminos-capital-natural-sostenibilidad_2What’s it about in short: ter­mi­nol­ogy of nat­ural cap­i­tal and sus­tain­abil­ity — 10 essen­tial terms for CEOs

When was it released: Octo­ber 22, 2015

By whom: Mer­ca­dos de Medio Ambiente

More info: (in Span­ish, see the info­graphic in Eng­lish) Con­tinue read­ing

SHORT INFO: Projeto de Aprimoramento do Marco Regulatório da Compensação Ambiental Federal no Brasil

compensacao ambientalWhat’s it about in short: enhance­ment project of envi­ron­men­tal com­pen­sa­tion in Brazil — Com­pen­sação Ambi­en­tal (estab­lished by law 9.985/2000, SNUC-Act) (by The Nature Con­ser­vancy and partners)

When was it released: July 15, 2015

By whom: Maria Camila Cozzi Pires de Oliveira Dias

More info: (in Por­tuguese) Con­tinue read­ing