Experts on Biodiversity Offsets

The impact mit­i­ga­tion and off­set­ting field is char­ac­ter­ized by a very spe­cific set of actors. There are strong inter­link­ages between the experts on bio­di­ver­sity off­sets world­wide. This site there­fore aims to pro­vide a com­mon plat­form for these experts to get to know who is active in the field and to even bet­ter con­nect and exchange.

There­fore, I would like to com­pile a list of world­wide experts on bio­di­ver­sity off­sets with their name and area of exper­tise. If you would agree to be included in this list, please con­tact me (this is greatly appre­ci­ated). You can do that here.

Experts per Country


Melissa Bos: Coral Reef man­age­ment and sci­ence in Hawaii, the Pacific Islands, and Aus­tralia, marine offsets

Chris Cook: works for an orga­ni­za­tion that runs an off­set pro­gram focused on the long-term pro­tec­tion and mon­i­tor­ing of off­set sites

Amanda Corn­wall: Pol­icy and man­age­ment con­sul­tant. Lead­ing Aus­tralian expert in bio­di­ver­sity off­set reg­u­la­tions and ecosys­tem ser­vices markets

Megan Evans:  Eco­nomic pol­icy Instru­ments and bio­di­ver­sity con­ser­va­tion, (see also Megans Blog)

Mar­tin Falld­ing: strate­gic plan­ning and pol­icy for bio­di­ver­sity, devel­op­ment and imple­men­ta­tion of bio­di­ver­sity off­set pol­icy in New South Wales, Australia

Christo­pher Ives: Inter­dis­ci­pli­nary researcher with inter­ests in the social and eco­log­i­cal dimen­sions of envi­ron­men­tal policy

Alan Key: Con­sul­tant look­ing at off­sets off­sets from finan­cial, legal and leg­isla­tive perspective

Mar­tine Maron: ex-ante pol­icy analy­sis, base­lines, and mit­i­gat­ing per­verse incen­tives in off­set schemes

Nicki Shumway: eval­u­a­tion and devel­op­ment of marine bio­di­ver­sity off­sets, quan­ti­fy­ing and min­i­miz­ing the effect of peo­ple on endan­gered populations



Fer­nando Marino Gomes dos San­tos: Envi­ron­men­tal con­sul­tant with expe­ri­ence in wildlife con­ser­va­tion, eco­log­i­cal impact assess­ment, IFC PS 06 and bio­di­ver­sity offsets


Naazia Ebrahim: polit­i­cal econ­omy, gov­er­nance, and imple­men­ta­tion issues related to bio­di­ver­sity offsets

Ronald Mor­ri­son: Founder of a con­sul­tancy on bio­di­ver­sity con­ser­va­tion, off­sets, and site restora­tion in oil and gas, min­ing and tourism resort developments

Dave Poul­ton: con­sul­tant on envi­ron­men­tal law, strat­egy and pol­icy, with a par­tic­u­lar inter­est in bio­di­ver­sity off­set regulation



Maria Triv­ino: boreal ecosys­tem ser­vices, in par­tic­u­lar cli­mate reg­u­la­tion (car­bon storage/sequestration) and col­lec­table nat­ural goods (mush­rooms and wildberries).


Ade­line Bas: bio­di­ver­sity off­sets in the con­text of off­shore wind­farms, scal­ing meth­ods, social per­cep­tions in the def­i­n­i­tion of mea­sures of avoid­ance, reduc­tion and offsets

Lucie Bezombes: equiv­a­lence in the mit­i­ga­tion hier­ar­chy con­text in France

Aurélien Guin­gand: cost-benefit/cost-efficiency analy­sis of bio­di­ver­sity off­sets and on the inclu­sion of ecosys­tem ser­vices into bio­di­ver­sity off­set implementation

Céline Jacob: marine and coastal bio­di­ver­sity off­sets imple­men­ta­tion, EIA in France

Del­phine Moran­deau: design of pub­lic poli­cies on bio­di­ver­sity off­sets, habi­tat bank­ing and the mit­i­ga­tion hier­ar­chy; imple­men­ta­tion of the 1st pub­lic habi­tat bank oper­ated by a local district

Fabien Quétier: assess­ing and man­ag­ing ecosys­tem ser­vices and bio­di­ver­sity; design, siz­ing, and imple­men­ta­tion of off­sets for projects and pro­grams; advis­ing gov­ern­ments, com­pa­nies and civil soci­ety organ­i­sa­tions on off­sets and no net loss / net gain solutions

Bap­tiste Reg­n­ery: bio­di­ver­sity indi­ca­tors, for­est, mitigation/offsets

Anne-Charlotte Vais­sière: bio­di­ver­sity off­sets poli­cies, wet­land mit­i­ga­tion, marine offsets

Anne-Laure Wittmann: Fol­low up of the French pilot habi­tat bank­ing projects


Juliane Albrecht: legal expert on Ger­man Impact Mit­i­ga­tion Regulation

Mar­i­anne Darbi: bio­di­ver­sity off­sets and com­pen­sa­tion approaches world­wide, bio­di­ver­sity off­set method­olo­gies, Ger­man Impact Mit­i­ga­tion Reg­u­la­tion, founder of Bio­di­ver­sity Off­sets Blog

Bar­bara Goncalves: focus on bio­di­ver­sity off­sets from a pol­icy and con­cep­tual perspective

Jutta Kill: research and cam­paign­ing against bio­di­ver­sity offsets

Carsten Mann: new forms of gov­er­nance for bio­di­ver­sity conversation

Hol­ger Ohlen­burg: bio­di­ver­sity off­sets and com­pen­sa­tion in the con­text of onshore wind energy in Ger­many, bio­di­ver­sity off­set method­olo­gies, Ger­man Impact Mit­i­ga­tion Reg­u­la­tion, habi­tat banking

Anne Schöps: Ger­man Fed­eral Asso­ci­a­tion of Com­pen­sa­tion Agen­cies, Ger­man Impact Mit­i­ga­tion Regulation

Mar­tin Szaramow­icz: Ger­man Fed­eral Asso­ci­a­tion of Com­pen­sa­tion Agen­cies, Ger­man Impact Mit­i­ga­tion Regulation

Suleika Sun­tken: eco­log­i­cal economy, bio­di­ver­sity off­sets, pay­ments for ecosys­tem services

Frank Wät­zold: Eco­nom­ics of off­set­ting and biobank­ing, Ger­man Impact Mit­i­ga­tion Regulation


Jay Lokhande: Bio­di­ver­sity Estab­lish­ment for Endan­gered Med­i­c­i­nal

Divya Narain: Con­sul­tant and researcher focus­ing on pol­icy and gov­er­nance related to Busi­ness and Bio­di­ver­sity, with par­tic­u­lar inter­est in bio­di­ver­sity off­sets, bio­di­ver­sity finance, nat­ural cap­i­tal, and bio­di­ver­sity impact assess­ment and mit­i­ga­tion (see also Divya’s Blog)

DrRp Saini: man­ag­ing Wild Life habi­tats par­tic­u­larly Ele­phants, Med­i­c­i­nal Plants Con­ser­va­tion and Prop­a­ga­tion and tack­ling Man — Wild Ani­mal conflicts


Dadang Seti­awan: con­ser­va­tion and nat­ural resource man­age­ment, Insti­tu­tional and Gov­er­nance spe­cial­ist on Coral Reef Reha­bil­i­ta­tion Pro­gram (COREMAP II) of ADB


Maz­dak Dor­beiki: eco­tousim, envi­ron­men­tal man­age­ment and plan­ning, pro­tected areas man­age­ment, envi­ron­men­tal impact assess­ment, and envi­ron­men­tal edu­ca­tion


Ari­adna Chavar­ria: bio­di­ver­sity off­sets, ecosys­tem ser­vices, envi­ron­men­tal impacts assess­ment, envi­ron­men­tal impacts com­pen­sa­tion schemes and bio­di­ver­sity bank­ing (e.g. US con­ser­va­tion banking)


Takahiro Otasocial aspects par­tic­u­larly ecosys­tem ser­vices assess­ment in the Japan­ese off­set system


Johny Rabenan­toan­dro: Bio­di­ver­sity Man­ager, Bio­di­ver­sity NPI (author) and imple­men­ta­tion man­age­ment, Eco­log­i­cal Restora­tion, Botany, Off­sets site imple­men­ta­tion and management


HOMRANI BAKALI Abdel­monaimplant ecol­ogy, plant diver­sity and range­land reha­bil­i­ta­tion


Jolanda Van Schaick: bio­di­ver­sity com­pen­sa­tion and sup­ply chains

Astrid van Teef­fe­len: assess­ment and design of pol­icy options for the con­ser­va­tion of bio­di­ver­sity and ecosys­tem ser­vices in con­texts of land use change and cli­mate change; No net loss, bio­di­ver­sity off­sets, habi­tat bank­ing, green infrastructure

New Zealand

Marie Brown: Bio­di­ver­sity pol­icy, off­sets pol­icy and imple­men­ta­tion and com­pli­ance issues


Daniel Moura: wildlife con­ser­va­tion, eco­log­i­cal impact assess­ment, habi­tat recov­ery and monitoring

Davide Fer­nan­des: Envi­ron­men­tal Impact Assess­ment, Eco­log­i­cal Impact Assess­ment, Ecosys­tem ser­vices, Bio­di­ver­sity Offsets

South Africa

War­ren Fun­ston: off­sets as part of the bio­di­ver­sity strat­egy of ESKOM (South Africa’s Power Util­ity), co-ordination of the dif­fer­ent under­stand­ing between ESKOM, the Gov­ern­ment and con­sul­tants of what off­sets are meant to achieve

Joël Houdet: mit­i­ga­tion hier­ar­chy, net pos­i­tive impact / no-net-loss account­ing, eco­nom­ics of ecosys­tem ser­vices, nat­ural cap­i­tal accounting

Amrei von Hase: Sci­en­tific Advi­sor (Bio­di­ver­sity and Ecosys­tem Ser­vices) with For­est Trends and the Busi­ness and Bio­di­ver­sity Off­set Pro­gramme (BBOP)


David Alvarez Gar­cia: envi­ron­men­tal mar­kets / mer­ca­dos de medio ambiente

Alfonso Car­retero González: Envi­ron­men­tal impact assess­ment and bio­di­ver­sity off­set­ting (con­ser­va­tion banking)

Esteve Cor­bera: an envi­ron­men­tal social sci­en­tist inter­ested in the design
and per­for­mance of car­bon and bio­di­ver­sity offsets

Rodrigo Fernandez-Mellado: Bio­di­ver­sity and Envi­ron­men­tal Assess­ment Con­sul­tant: Bio­di­ver­sity Action Plans, Mit­i­ga­tion Hier­ar­chy and Bio­di­ver­sity off­sets for the infra­struc­tures and O&G sec­tor



Jonathan Baker: ‘Eng­lish bio­di­ver­sity off­set­ting includ­ing the bio­di­ver­sity off­set­ting pilots

Julia Baker: spe­cialises in Bio­di­ver­sity and Busi­ness approaches includ­ing poli­cies, train­ing, design and imple­men­ta­tion for no net loss and net pos­i­tive impact

Leon Ben­nun: bio­di­ver­sity off­sets pol­icy, bio­di­ver­sity met­rics, mit­i­ga­tion hier­ar­chy, IFC PS6

Joe Bull: bidi­ver­sity off­sets and rewilding

James Brown: pop­u­la­tion genet­ics of native Irish trees

Ian Dickie: eco­nom­ics and pol­icy of bio­di­ver­sity offsets

Jon Ekstrom: eco­log­i­cal impact assess­ment, bio­di­ver­sity met­rics and bio­di­ver­sity off­sets, IFC PS6

Car­los Fer­reira: eco­nomic value of bio­di­ver­sity, bio­di­ver­sity off­sets mar­kets (see also Car­los’ blog)

Vic­to­ria Grif­fiths: inte­gra­tion of no net loss of bio­di­ver­sity and social gains

Genevieve Hayes: mit­i­ga­tion hier­ar­chy, net pos­i­tive impact

Bruce Howard: UK Nat­ural Envi­ron­ment Research Coun­cil Knowl­edge Exchange Fel­low on bio­di­ver­sity offsetting

Rachel Mor­ri­son: Bio­di­ver­sity off­set­ting within the EIA frame­work, bio­di­ver­sity met­rics, the mit­i­ga­tion hier­ar­chy, and ecosys­tem services

Holly Niner: bio­di­ver­sity off­sets in marine plan­ning and con­sent­ing frame­works with a focus on Australia

James Spur­geon: global expe­ri­ence on quan­tifi­ca­tion (e.g. habi­tat equiv­a­lency analy­sis) and mon­e­tary val­u­a­tion to deter­mine appro­pri­ate lev­els of bio­di­ver­sity off­set­ting and com­pen­sa­tion, in par­tic­u­lar for coastal habi­tats such as coral reefs

Kerry ten Kate: Direc­tor of the Busi­ness and Bio­di­ver­sity Off­set Pro­gramme (BBOP), mem­ber of the UK Nat­ural Cap­i­tal Committee


Ricardo Bayon: impact invest­ment, envi­ron­men­tal mar­kets, con­ser­va­tion finance, envi­ron­men­tal finance, offsets

Dil­lon Lanius: devel­op­ing and financ­ing bio­di­ver­sity off­set projects

Patrick Maguire: Pro­gram Man­ager of the Busi­ness and Bio­di­ver­sity Off­set Pro­gram (BBOP) at For­est Trends


Arnold Moyo: adap­tive bio­di­ver­sity research (GIS and RS), Envi­ron­men­tal Impact Assess­ments and Bio­di­ver­sity projects mon­i­tor­ing and eval­u­a­tion, ground and aer­ial sur­veys and design­ing of databases

What are your ideas for new polls on the Biodiversity Offsets Blog?

As a reg­u­lar or occa­sional vis­i­tor to the Bio­di­ver­sity Off­sets Blog, you have cer­tainly noticed (and hope­fully par­tic­i­pated in) the brief one-question mul­ti­ple choice online poll included in the top right side­bar (this time it’s two ques­tions to be exact). … Con­tinue read­ing

Integrating social gains with ‘no net loss’ of biodiversity — a comment by Victoria Griffiths

This is a guest post by Vic­to­ria Grif­fiths, PhD Stu­dent at Impe­r­ial Col­lege Lon­don (UK). This com­ment is the expres­sion of the author’s thoughts and expe­ri­ences and as such is acknowl­edged as a fruit­ful con­tri­bu­tion to the dis­cus­sion on bio­di­ver­sity … Con­tinue read­ing

Blogs on Biodiversity Offsets

There are a num­ber of blogs on Bio­di­ver­sity off­sets out there in the inter­net if you google a bit. How­ever, as most of the infor­ma­tion on bio­di­ver­sity off­sets is rather frag­mented (with the exep­tion of the Busi­ness and Bio­di­ver­sity Off­set … Con­tinue read­ing

Biodiversity Offsets for Ecosystem Services — new discussion on LinkedIn

Lau­rence Barea has started a new dis­cus­sion in the BBOP NO Net Loss Dis­cus­sion Group on LinkedIn. The focus is on Bio­di­ver­sity Off­sets for Ecosys­tem Ser­vices. The New Zealand Depart­ment of Con­ser­va­tion is inter­ested in exam­ples where off­sets have been … Con­tinue read­ing

George Monbiot’s criticism on Biodiversity Offsets and the Natural Capital Agenda: “The pricing of Everything”

Crit­i­cism on the Nat­ural Cap­i­tal Agenda and Bio­di­ver­sity Off­sets George Mon­biot has pre­sented a detailed (how­ever mostly neg­a­tive) analy­sis of his crit­i­cism on the Nat­ural Cap­i­tal Agenda (in the UK) includ­ing Bio­di­ver­sity Off­sets as one part of it at his … Con­tinue read­ing