I am a landscape architect and interested in your work. I look always for an alternative to the »E-/A-Bilanzierung von Eingriffen im Rahmen der Bauleitplanung in Baden-Württemberg«, because this is no valide method.
I agree that biodiversity offsets are a challenging tool both in general and under the scope of the German Impact Mitigation Regulation (“Eingriffsregelung”), they are far from perfection (and will never reach it). As you say, the maximum we could achieve is to establish validity in a given context. I am not sure if I have a definite answer for you (probably not), but one of the sources I found most useful in the German context (and in German) is the dissertation by Elke Bruns that is available here: https://depositonce.tu-berlin.de/bitstream/11303/1906/1/Dokument_16.pdf (Bewertungs– und Bilanzierungsmethoden in der Eingriffsregelung). If you are interested, I could also recommend a few international examples (e.g. the Australian habitat hectares approach, the _Defra methodology developed in the UK as well, the French guidelines etc.) — but note that most of them are still undergoing some refinement…
I am a landscape architect and interested in your work. I look always for an alternative to the »E-/A-Bilanzierung von Eingriffen im Rahmen der Bauleitplanung in Baden-Württemberg«, because this is no valide method.
I agree that biodiversity offsets are a challenging tool both in general and under the scope of the German Impact Mitigation Regulation (“Eingriffsregelung”), they are far from perfection (and will never reach it). As you say, the maximum we could achieve is to establish validity in a given context. I am not sure if I have a definite answer for you (probably not), but one of the sources I found most useful in the German context (and in German) is the dissertation by Elke Bruns that is available here: https://depositonce.tu-berlin.de/bitstream/11303/1906/1/Dokument_16.pdf (Bewertungs– und Bilanzierungsmethoden in der Eingriffsregelung). If you are interested, I could also recommend a few international examples (e.g. the Australian habitat hectares approach, the _Defra methodology developed in the UK as well, the French guidelines etc.) — but note that most of them are still undergoing some refinement…