NEW ARTICLE: Land-Development Offset Policies in the Quest for Sustainability: What Can China Learn from Germany?

Author(s): Rong Tan, Rongyu Wang and Thomas Sedlin Title: Land-Development Off­set Poli­cies in the Quest for Sus­tain­abil­ity: What Can China Learn from Ger­many? Year: 2014 In: Sus­tain­abil­ity 2014, 6(6), 3400–3430; doi:10.3390/su6063400 Pages: pages 3400–3430. Pub­li­ca­tion type: open access jour­nal arti­cle Lan­guage: Eng­lish Source:–1050/6/6/3400/htm … Con­tinue read­ing

NEW REPORT: A comparative analysis of ecological compensation programs: The effect of program design on the social and ecological outcomes

Author(s): Niak Sian Koh, Thomas Hahn and Clau­dia Ituarte-Lima Title: A com­par­a­tive analy­sis of eco­log­i­cal com­pen­sa­tion pro­grams: The effect of pro­gram design on the social and eco­log­i­cal out­comes Year: 2014 In: This report is a prod­uct of an intern­ship under­taken dur­ing the Mas­ter … Con­tinue read­ing

KEY ISSUES IN BIODIVERSITY OFFSET LAW AND POLICY. A Comparison of Six Jurisdictions — new report by Dave Poulton

Some time ago I have been asked by Dave Poul­ton to review a chap­ter on bio­di­ver­sity off­sets under the Ger­man Impact Mit­i­ga­tion Reg­u­la­tion. So I am more than happy to inform you that Dave’s report enti­tled “KEY ISSUES IN BIODIVERSITY OFFSET … Con­tinue read­ing

PhD on biodiversity offsets markets by Carlos Ferreira available online: Performativity and pluralities of biodiversity offsetting experiments

As a reg­u­lar reader of the Bio­di­ver­sity Off­sets Blog you have seen mul­ti­ple con­tri­bu­tions by Car­los Fer­reira on this blog which clearly mark his exper­tise in the field of bio­di­ver­sity off­sets. It is there­fore great to note that his doc­toral … Con­tinue read­ing

Compensation for biodiversity losses: can varied approaches deliver? A comment by Carlos Ferreira

This is a guest post by Car­los Fer­reira, Research Assis­tant in the Cen­ter for Busi­ness in Soci­ety at Coven­try Uni­ver­sity. He can be reached at It is the expres­sion of the author’s thoughts and expe­ri­ences and as such is … Con­tinue read­ing

Biodiversity offsets are not a business — why I don’t think we’ll have a commercial platform for biodiversity offsets somewhere in Europe, soon

This is an opin­ion post by Mar­i­anne Darbi, researcher at Leib­niz Insti­tute of Eco­log­i­cal Urban and Regional Devel­op­ment (Ger­many) and founder of the Bio­di­ver­sity Off­sets Blog. This com­ment is the expres­sion of my own thoughts and expe­ri­ences and as such is … Con­tinue read­ing

Why would you say YES to the EU No Net Loss Initiative?

With the adop­tion of its 2020 Bio­di­ver­sity Strat­egy the EU has made a com­mit­ment to halt “the loss of bio­di­ver­sity and the degra­da­tion of ecosys­tem ser­vices in the EU by 2020, and restor­ing them in so far as fea­si­ble”. To … Con­tinue read­ing

Why would you say NO to the EU No Net Loss Initiative?

With the adop­tion of its 2020 Bio­di­ver­sity Strat­egy the EU has made a com­mit­ment to halt “the loss of bio­di­ver­sity and the degra­da­tion of ecosys­tem ser­vices in the EU by 2020, and restor­ing them in so far as fea­si­ble”. To reach this goal the … Con­tinue read­ing

Consultation on the EU No Net Loss Initiative: Biodiversity offsetting can, under certain circumstances, improve nature and biodiversity conservation — a comment by Heidi Wittmer

This is a guest post by Heidi Wittmer from Helmholtz Cen­tre for Envi­ron­men­tal Research in Ger­many. This com­ment is the expres­sion of the author’s thoughts and expe­ri­ences and such is acknowl­edged as a fruit­ful con­tri­bu­tion to the dis­cus­sion on bio­di­ver­sity off­sets. If … Con­tinue read­ing

Biodiversity Offsets Newsweek, September 29-October 5, 2014

About the Bio­di­ver­sity Off­sets Newsweek If you are inter­ested in envi­ron­men­tal com­pen­sa­tion and bio­di­ver­sity off­sets, there are cer­tainly good news: there is now a whole bunch of infor­ma­tion from dif­fer­ent sources, loca­tions and view­points pub­licly avail­able (some­thing which wasn’t this easy … Con­tinue read­ing