About the Biodiversity Offsets Newsweek
If you are interested in environmental compensation and biodiversity offsets, there are certainly good news: there is now a whole bunch of information from different sources, locations and viewpoints publicly available (something which wasn’t this easy only a couple of years ago). Now, as has been pointed out (see here) the Biodiversity Offsets Blog aims to compile and somewhat structure this information. But there is not only a wealth of sources already out there on the internet, but also new sources are continuously being added. I am following and collecting the news via Scoop.it and cover the most trending ones in posts on the Biodiversity Offsets Blog. Nevertheless, not all news can be covered (at least not yet) and therefore the “Biodiversity Offsets Newsweek” will list up the headlines of the past week, together with the links and PDFs of the articles or news (the latter to prevent to loose information — as we know, that unfortunately every now and then things are being removed from the internet).
This week: September 29-October 5, 2014
This week (September 29-October 5, 2014) two interesting events took place: a biodiversity offsetting workshop in France and the annual conference of the German Federal Association of Compensation Agencies. Most interestingly two papers on biodiversity offsets (one on mining and one on marine offsets) have been published in the October issues of the Journal of Environmental Management and Environmental Science & Policy. Beside some “smaller” biodiversity offset news from Australia and the US, the main topic this week was the ongoing biodiversity loss. The Living Planet Report by WWF gives evidence that half of the world’s wildlife has been lost over the past 40 years. This alarming facts are also taken up by George Monbiot in his Guardian column.
Past and upcoming events on biodiversity offsets
Biodiversity offsetting and sustainable development: a right to destroy, a fool’s bargain or a tool for reconciliation? A session of the Sustainable Development and Environmental Economics Seminar, Paris, September 30, 2014 (see my post here)
Annual Conference of the German Fedral Association of Compensation Agencies (BFAD), September 29–30, 2014 (see my post here)
Biosymposium 2015: The Functions and Values of Biodiversity, University of Oxford UK, January 6–7, 2015
Biodiversity offset News from Academia
Mining and biodiversity offsets: A transparent and science-based approach to measure “no-net-loss”, October 1, 2014, by Malika Virah-Sawmy, Johannes Ebeling and Roslyn Taplin, in Journal of Environmental Management Volume 143, 1 October 2014, Pages 61–70
Effective marine offsets for the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area, October 1, 2014, by Melissa Bos, Robert L. Pressey and Natalie Stoeckl, in Environmental Science & Policy Volume 42, October 2014, Pages 1–15
Les dispositifs institutionnels régissant la compensation biodiversité en France : gouvernance de marché ou accords bilatéraux ? WORKING PAPERS N°13/2014. IDDRI, 2014. 22 P, by ROMAIN PIRARD; MATTHIEU WEMAËRE; RENAUD LAPEYRE;ANOUK FERTÉ-DEVIN
Biodiversity offsets in Australia
Environment Ministry OKs $2.2B North Galilee Basin Rail Project On 23 Conditions, September 29, 2014, by Vittorio Hernandez
Emu Swamp Dam approved by Co-ordinator General, September 30, 2014, by Erin Smith
Newsweek 29 September-5 October 2014_Emu Swamp Dam approved by Co-ordinator General
Pay farmers to save threatened species, October 3, 2014, by Nicole Hasham
Newsweek 29 September-5 October 2014_Pay farmers to save threatened species_ expert
Biodiversity offsets in the US
Reedy Creek will be city’s largest stream restoration at $5 million and 5 acres, September 30, 2014, by Bruce Henderson
Ongoing biodiversity loss
Half the world’s wildlife gone over last 40 years, September 30, 2014, by Eliene Augenbraun
Newsweek 29 September-5 October 2014_Half the world’s wildlife gone over last 40 years — CBS News
Newsweek 29 September-5 October 2014_Half the world’s wildlife gone over last 40 years — CBS News
Global wildlife populations halve in 40 years, September 30, 2014, by WWF UK
Newsweek 29 September-5 October 2014_Global wildlife populations halve in 40 years — WWF UK
Living Planet Report by WWF (see the key findings here and the full report here)
Newsweek 29 September-5October 2014_WWF — Living Planet Report
Newsweek 29 September-5 October 2014_Summary Living Planet Report 2014 WWF
Global biodiversity targets won’t be met by 2020, scientists say. World leaders failing in their pledge to stop wildlife decline, save habitats and create marine reserves, October 3, 2014, by Adam Vaugn
Five ways to stop the world’s wildlife vanishing, October 1, 2014, by Paul Jepson
Newsweek 29 September-5 October 2014_Five ways to stop the world’s wildlife vanishing
It’s time to shout stop on this war on the living world. Our consumption is trashing a natural world infinitely more fascinating and intricate than the stuff we produce, October 1, 2014, by George Monbiot
The Kink in the Human Brain, October 2, 2014, by George Monbiot
Newsweek 29 September-5 October 2014_The Kink in the human brain
Other biodiversity offset news
Newsweek 29 September-5 October_position_nature_is_not_for_sale