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Biodiversity Manager
Biodiversity NPI (author) and implementation management
Ecological Restoration
Offsets site implementation and management
Dear Johny,
thanks for your comment — I have added you to the list of experts — see
I’d very much appreciate if you could share your knowledge and experiences with the biodiversity offsets community. Maybe you could think about writing something for the blog (can be a short comment or a more in-depth piece) — possibly on offset implementation (as you say that’s a very important point)? See also:
We need more discussion around offset implementation and total footprint (bio capacité)
Can you tell us more about the “bio capacité”? Sounds interesting — it’s always important to see the bigger picture!
Director & Principal Scientist
Eco-Pulse Environmental Consulting Services
Wetland Offset Policy Development / Technical offset planning
South Africa
Hi Doug,
Thanks for your interest in the Biodiversity Offsets Blog. Could you please specify your particular interest? Would you like to contribute information to the Biodiversity Offsets Bog, i.e. through a guest post? DO you want to become listed as an expert on biodiversity offsets here?
Hi There
I am a new PhD student looking at biodiversity offsetting. I have drafted a blog, how can I go about sending it to you for uploading?
Thanks and Best Regards,
Hi Victoria,
Many thanks for your message and offer to contribute a blog post. Gladly appreciated. It is up to you if you prefer to create an own user account and upload the information yourself (if so, please subscribe — see above) or if you simply send me your text (ideally accompanied by some kind of photograph, illustration etc) via email (m.darbi[at]
Welcome on board and looking very much forward to hear more from you
Projets Plus Actions helps small organisations involved in biodiversity projects by giving financial and technical supports to them.
Thanks for pointing to this, Jean-Marc, great initiative! Please let me know if you have some more precise information to share on the blog that fit into the biodiversity offsets context (e.g. in a post).
The Natural Reserve “Buenos Aires” from 1916 when my grandfather bought this property have retained about 90% in lightly tapped native forests and have paid attention to the generation of goods and ecosystem services within their peasant wisdom and since 2001 we are registered Nature Reserve of Civil Society to the Ministry of Environment of Colombia, generates environmental services such as CO2 capture, production of oxygen, water production of its multiple births, which form the Pajonales streams that empty into the river Sabaletaz and Honda which flows the river Cerrito, A local aqueduct to supply water of excellent quality at three small villages that uses a small part of the Pajonales broken, water has excellent physical-chemical analysis by a local environmental authority, which contains lots of minerals, trace elements and wonderful PH 7.9, Colombians remain in a permanent state of metabolic acidosis (pH below 7) when the optimal human PH is 7.42. Therefore, when consumers drink this water improve their health, something like “A Natural Functional Food”; Conservation of biodiversity in support of world food security; Organic farming on a small scale; Erosion control and soil generation; Control of gases and climate change; Biological control; Genebanks “IN-SITU” and “ex situ” of plants with potential pharmaceutical and industrial processes such as food and feed; Regulating the water cycle and disaster prevention; Habitat for wildlife; very good wood for industry (about 26 ecosystem services).
Climate change
In the Natural Reserve of the Civil Society “Buenos Aires” (184 hectares) is looking Adapt ecosystems through conservation, restoration and sustainable management for optimal and healthy state; In turn ecosystems for adaptation to climate change, with these healthy ecosystems provide a wide biodiversity and its biological functions are the generation of environmental services, which become excellent positive externalities that enhance the degree of resilience and decrease vulnerability of social, economic and natural systems.
The water footprint:
eg for a kilogram of sugar is 1500 liters when a mill exports or sold in the domestic market one (1) ton of sugar are included 1500 M3 virtual water, which is the water needed to grow and process the indispensable rod for produce that ton of sugar, the water footprint consists of green water that would rainwater, blue water would be the surface water and water extracted from aquifers which proceeds of ecosystems and water sources that are at the top of the basin being the major contributors and finally gray water which consists of waste water used for irrigation or the amount of clean water required to dilute pollutants, when farmers use wastewater are exposed to high risks and costs such as soil salinization, possible illnesses and deaths in some cases staff irrigation and tillage contagion of dangerous bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, of which I was aware of some cases.
The Ecological Footprint
products and services companies will soon vital to measure the level of sustainable development achieved indicator and businesses are dependent on the resources and environmental services of ecosystems and also as actions, emissions and waste companies impacting ecosystem (soil, rivers, oceans, air, forests). Reduce the Ecological Footprint does not only depend on how good the company detecting inefficiencies and solucionándolas, but it will also depend on the ability to innovate, is where the largest number of business opportunities is that nature is a source inexhaustible knowledge and innovation are barely starting to explode as the Biocomercio.
I have reviewed EIA projects four to be precise and they required offset it was a challenge and hence did my dissertation on the use of offset in the eish process and their efficacy in safeguarding areas of high biodiversity concern. I currently worked in an offset site for a major energy project by a power utility. Challenges with offsets stem from metrics,timeframes,conditions of the permit and actual implementation
Hi Marianne,
This is a great collaborative initative!
I’m an environmental advisor managing offset programs for an oil and gas company as well as a student currently undertaking my PhD on environmental offsets (the title of my project is “The cost/benefit of environmental offsets, and the optimisation of ecological, economic and social priorities.”). I dont know if Im able to contribute as part of the blog yet, but I would like to be listed on your students or experts page if possible.
Dear Linda,
Great to hear from you and a warm welcome! Many thanks for your kind words. I am of course happy to list you in the expert/PhD section. Do you have a LinkedIn profile or any other page I can link to (if people want to contact or get to know more about you and your work). If you want to be listed on the experts page, please give me some descriptive words of your work focus related to offsets and where you are based. It would also be welcome if you would like to share a short outline of your PhD project — or you could also be in touch if you want to reach out to experts on a specific topic/question.
Happy to hear back from you!
Hi Marianne,
I am based in Australia. My work focuses on negotiating with state/territory and federal governments, project managing indirect offset programs and project managing/developing solutions for direct offset programs in terrestrial and marine environments. Unfortunately I dont have a linkedin (or similar) profile as yet, although I am happy for others to email me if they want to know more about what I do specifially.
A short abstract for my PhD is:
The term ‘environmental offset’ is used to describe a program that offsets some form of environmental damage, usually caused by some form of development, at one site with environmental improvement and/or protection at another site. Importantly, environmental offsets allow social and economic needs for development to be met whilst addressing ecological concerns and maintaining biodiversity.
Globally, environmental offsets are a relatively new concept and are undergoing a process of refinement and maturation. As such, there are several gaps in the ways that environmental offsets policies and requirements have been applied in different jurisdictions both around Australia and internationally. In particular, gaps exist in relation to mechanisms or metrics that ensure the effectiveness of environmental offsets packages in creating a balance between economic prosperity, social improvement and conservation of the ecological assets.
This project will address these gaps by discovering how environmental offset have developed over time, compare between different jurisdictions and how effective these offset requirements are in achieving their overarching goals. This information will then be used to develop models for effective offset packages in both in both terrestrial and marine environments with objective and measurable metrics for assessment.
I hope this helps. I am happy to provide more information about the questions I will specifically address if you wish.
Dear Marianne
Could you please add my name to the list of Biodiversity Offset experts? Based in Spain, I am currently working on the development of Biodiversity Action Plans, Mitigation Hierarchy and Biodiversity offsets for the infrastructures and O&G sector, and being part of this exchange community looks very interesting to me. I would be interested in posting some of my thoughts after some time trying to implement offsets measures, as a result of EIA processes and voluntary investments on biodiversity restoration from companies, as a CSR outcome.
Thanks and congratulations for the blog!
Rodrigo Fernandez-Mellado
Biodiversity and Environmental Assessment Consultant.
Dear Rodrigo,
Many thanks for being in contact. I have added you to the list (also sent you a LinkedIn invite). Looking very much forward to your future contributions! Please be in touch for any new information, suggestions etc. Posts of all lengths (feedback to events, opinions, sharing practical evidence, new articles/books etc.) are highly welcome! Thanks for joining the cause and happy to have you on board!
Hi Marianne,
I’d this great initiative, it’s will an honour for me if I see my name listed as Biodiversity Offset experts based on Morocco? I’m am currently working essentially on plant ecology, plant diversity and rangeland rehabilitation. I don’t know if I will able to contribute as part of the blog yet, because of my full engagement on PHD that I have to finish this year, but I will try as possible.
Thanks Marianne to get me involved to this blog!
Dear Abdelmonaim,
Many thanks for your interest. I have of course added you to the list (see Love to hear about your PhD and impact mitigation related activities. Please be in touch anytime!