Feedback: Please comment or become author on the Biodiversity Offsets Blog!

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More than feed­back: Become author on the Bio­di­ver­sity Off­sets Blog

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Feedback: Please comment or become author on the Biodiversity Offsets Blog! — 20 Comments

  1. Pingback: 15 ways how you can contribute to the Biodiversity Offsets Blog - Biodiversity Offsets Blog

  2. Bio­di­ver­sity Man­ager
    Bio­di­ver­sity NPI (author) and imple­men­ta­tion man­age­ment
    Eco­log­i­cal Restora­tion
    Off­sets site imple­men­ta­tion and management

    • Hi Doug,

      Thanks for your inter­est in the Bio­di­ver­sity Off­sets Blog. Could you please spec­ify your par­tic­u­lar inter­est? Would you like to con­tribute infor­ma­tion to the Bio­di­ver­sity Off­sets Bog, i.e. through a guest post? DO you want to become listed as an expert on bio­di­ver­sity off­sets here?


  3. Hi There

    I am a new PhD stu­dent look­ing at bio­di­ver­sity off­set­ting. I have drafted a blog, how can I go about send­ing it to you for uploading?

    Thanks and Best Regards,

    • Hi Vic­to­ria,
      Many thanks for your mes­sage and offer to con­tribute a blog post. Gladly appre­ci­ated. It is up to you if you pre­fer to cre­ate an own user account and upload the infor­ma­tion your­self (if so, please sub­scribe — see above) or if you sim­ply send me your text (ide­ally accom­pa­nied by some kind of pho­to­graph, illus­tra­tion etc) via email (m.darbi[at]
      Wel­come on board and look­ing very much for­ward to hear more from you

    • Thanks for point­ing to this, Jean-Marc, great ini­tia­tive! Please let me know if you have some more pre­cise infor­ma­tion to share on the blog that fit into the bio­di­ver­sity off­sets con­text (e.g. in a post).

  4. The Nat­ural Reserve “Buenos Aires” from 1916 when my grand­fa­ther bought this prop­erty have retained about 90% in lightly tapped native forests and have paid atten­tion to the gen­er­a­tion of goods and ecosys­tem ser­vices within their peas­ant wis­dom and since 2001 we are reg­is­tered Nature Reserve of Civil Soci­ety to the Min­istry of Envi­ron­ment of Colom­bia, gen­er­ates envi­ron­men­tal ser­vices such as CO2 cap­ture, pro­duc­tion of oxy­gen, water pro­duc­tion of its mul­ti­ple births, which form the Pajonales streams that empty into the river Sabale­taz and Honda which flows the river Cer­rito, A local aque­duct to sup­ply water of excel­lent qual­ity at three small vil­lages that uses a small part of the Pajonales bro­ken, water has excel­lent physical-chemical analy­sis by a local envi­ron­men­tal author­ity, which con­tains lots of min­er­als, trace ele­ments and won­der­ful PH 7.9, Colom­bians remain in a per­ma­nent state of meta­bolic aci­do­sis (pH below 7) when the opti­mal human PH is 7.42. There­fore, when con­sumers drink this water improve their health, some­thing like “A Nat­ural Func­tional Food”; Con­ser­va­tion of bio­di­ver­sity in sup­port of world food secu­rity; Organic farm­ing on a small scale; Ero­sion con­trol and soil gen­er­a­tion; Con­trol of gases and cli­mate change; Bio­log­i­cal con­trol; Genebanks “IN-SITU” and “ex situ” of plants with poten­tial phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal and indus­trial processes such as food and feed; Reg­u­lat­ing the water cycle and dis­as­ter pre­ven­tion; Habi­tat for wildlife; very good wood for indus­try (about 26 ecosys­tem ser­vices).
    Cli­mate change
    In the Nat­ural Reserve of the Civil Soci­ety “Buenos Aires” (184 hectares) is look­ing Adapt ecosys­tems through con­ser­va­tion, restora­tion and sus­tain­able man­age­ment for opti­mal and healthy state; In turn ecosys­tems for adap­ta­tion to cli­mate change, with these healthy ecosys­tems pro­vide a wide bio­di­ver­sity and its bio­log­i­cal func­tions are the gen­er­a­tion of envi­ron­men­tal ser­vices, which become excel­lent pos­i­tive exter­nal­i­ties that enhance the degree of resilience and decrease vul­ner­a­bil­ity of social, eco­nomic and nat­ural systems.

    The water foot­print:
    eg for a kilo­gram of sugar is 1500 liters when a mill exports or sold in the domes­tic mar­ket one (1) ton of sugar are included 1500 M3 vir­tual water, which is the water needed to grow and process the indis­pens­able rod for pro­duce that ton of sugar, the water foot­print con­sists of green water that would rain­wa­ter, blue water would be the sur­face water and water extracted from aquifers which pro­ceeds of ecosys­tems and water sources that are at the top of the basin being the major con­trib­u­tors and finally gray water which con­sists of waste water used for irri­ga­tion or the amount of clean water required to dilute pol­lu­tants, when farm­ers use waste­water are exposed to high risks and costs such as soil salin­iza­tion, pos­si­ble ill­nesses and deaths in some cases staff irri­ga­tion and tillage con­ta­gion of dan­ger­ous bac­te­ria such as Staphy­lo­coc­cus aureus, of which I was aware of some cases.
    The Eco­log­i­cal Foot­print
    prod­ucts and ser­vices com­pa­nies will soon vital to mea­sure the level of sus­tain­able devel­op­ment achieved indi­ca­tor and busi­nesses are depen­dent on the resources and envi­ron­men­tal ser­vices of ecosys­tems and also as actions, emis­sions and waste com­pa­nies impact­ing ecosys­tem (soil, rivers, oceans, air, forests). Reduce the Eco­log­i­cal Foot­print does not only depend on how good the com­pany detect­ing inef­fi­cien­cies and solu­cionán­dolas, but it will also depend on the abil­ity to inno­vate, is where the largest num­ber of busi­ness oppor­tu­ni­ties is that nature is a source inex­haustible knowl­edge and inno­va­tion are barely start­ing to explode as the Biocomercio.

  5. I have reviewed EIA projects four to be pre­cise and they required off­set it was a chal­lenge and hence did my dis­ser­ta­tion on the use of off­set in the eish process and their effi­cacy in safe­guard­ing areas of high bio­di­ver­sity con­cern. I cur­rently worked in an off­set site for a major energy project by a power util­ity. Chal­lenges with off­sets stem from metrics,timeframes,conditions of the per­mit and actual implementation

  6. Hi Mar­i­anne,

    This is a great col­lab­o­ra­tive initative!

    I’m an envi­ron­men­tal advi­sor man­ag­ing off­set pro­grams for an oil and gas com­pany as well as a stu­dent cur­rently under­tak­ing my PhD on envi­ron­men­tal off­sets (the title of my project is “The cost/benefit of envi­ron­men­tal off­sets, and the opti­mi­sa­tion of eco­log­i­cal, eco­nomic and social pri­or­i­ties.”). I dont know if Im able to con­tribute as part of the blog yet, but I would like to be listed on your stu­dents or experts page if possible.



    • Dear Linda,
      Great to hear from you and a warm wel­come! Many thanks for your kind words. I am of course happy to list you in the expert/PhD sec­tion. Do you have a LinkedIn pro­file or any other page I can link to (if peo­ple want to con­tact or get to know more about you and your work). If you want to be listed on the experts page, please give me some descrip­tive words of your work focus related to off­sets and where you are based. It would also be wel­come if you would like to share a short out­line of your PhD project — or you could also be in touch if you want to reach out to experts on a spe­cific topic/question.

      Happy to hear back from you!


      • Hi Mar­i­anne,

        I am based in Aus­tralia. My work focuses on nego­ti­at­ing with state/territory and fed­eral gov­ern­ments, project man­ag­ing indi­rect off­set pro­grams and project managing/developing solu­tions for direct off­set pro­grams in ter­res­trial and marine envi­ron­ments. Unfor­tu­nately I dont have a linkedin (or sim­i­lar) pro­file as yet, although I am happy for oth­ers to email me if they want to know more about what I do specifially.

        A short abstract for my PhD is:
        The term ‘envi­ron­men­tal off­set’ is used to describe a pro­gram that off­sets some form of envi­ron­men­tal dam­age, usu­ally caused by some form of devel­op­ment, at one site with envi­ron­men­tal improve­ment and/or pro­tec­tion at another site. Impor­tantly, envi­ron­men­tal off­sets allow social and eco­nomic needs for devel­op­ment to be met whilst address­ing eco­log­i­cal con­cerns and main­tain­ing bio­di­ver­sity.
        Glob­ally, envi­ron­men­tal off­sets are a rel­a­tively new con­cept and are under­go­ing a process of refine­ment and mat­u­ra­tion. As such, there are sev­eral gaps in the ways that envi­ron­men­tal off­sets poli­cies and require­ments have been applied in dif­fer­ent juris­dic­tions both around Aus­tralia and inter­na­tion­ally. In par­tic­u­lar, gaps exist in rela­tion to mech­a­nisms or met­rics that ensure the effec­tive­ness of envi­ron­men­tal off­sets pack­ages in cre­at­ing a bal­ance between eco­nomic pros­per­ity, social improve­ment and con­ser­va­tion of the eco­log­i­cal assets.
        This project will address these gaps by dis­cov­er­ing how envi­ron­men­tal off­set have devel­oped over time, com­pare between dif­fer­ent juris­dic­tions and how effec­tive these off­set require­ments are in achiev­ing their over­ar­ch­ing goals. This infor­ma­tion will then be used to develop mod­els for effec­tive off­set pack­ages in both in both ter­res­trial and marine envi­ron­ments with objec­tive and mea­sur­able met­rics for assessment.

        I hope this helps. I am happy to pro­vide more infor­ma­tion about the ques­tions I will specif­i­cally address if you wish.



  7. Dear Mar­i­anne

    Could you please add my name to the list of Bio­di­ver­sity Off­set experts? Based in Spain, I am cur­rently work­ing on the devel­op­ment of Bio­di­ver­sity Action Plans, Mit­i­ga­tion Hier­ar­chy and Bio­di­ver­sity off­sets for the infra­struc­tures and O&G sec­tor, and being part of this exchange com­mu­nity looks very inter­est­ing to me. I would be inter­ested in post­ing some of my thoughts after some time try­ing to imple­ment off­sets mea­sures, as a result of EIA processes and vol­un­tary invest­ments on bio­di­ver­sity restora­tion from com­pa­nies, as a CSR outcome.

    Thanks and con­grat­u­la­tions for the blog!
    Rodrigo Fernandez-Mellado
    Bio­di­ver­sity and Envi­ron­men­tal Assess­ment Con­sul­tant.

    • Dear Rodrigo,
      Many thanks for being in con­tact. I have added you to the list (also sent you a LinkedIn invite). Look­ing very much for­ward to your future con­tri­bu­tions! Please be in touch for any new infor­ma­tion, sug­ges­tions etc. Posts of all lengths (feed­back to events, opin­ions, shar­ing prac­ti­cal evi­dence, new articles/books etc.) are highly wel­come! Thanks for join­ing the cause and happy to have you on board!

  8. Hi Mar­i­anne,

    I’d this great ini­tia­tive, it’s will an hon­our for me if I see my name listed as Bio­di­ver­sity Off­set experts based on Morocco? I’m am cur­rently work­ing essen­tially on plant ecol­ogy, plant diver­sity and range­land reha­bil­i­ta­tion. I don’t know if I will able to con­tribute as part of the blog yet, because of my full engage­ment on PHD that I have to fin­ish this year, but I will try as possible.

    Thanks Mar­i­anne to get me involved to this blog!


    HOMRANI BAKALI Abdelmonaim

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