Ontario Nature is holding a Biodiversity Offsetting Law and Policy workshop, presenting a new report that compares law and policy internationally across six jurisdictions, analyzing strengths, weaknesses and gaps, and providing recommendations. Date: Monday, June 8, 2015 Time: 9:30 am Location: Black … Continue reading
Monthly Archives: May 2015
This is a guest post by Naazia Ebrahim of the OECD Environment Directorate. This comment has previously been published on OECD Insights. It is the expression of the author’s thoughts and experiences and as such is acknowledged as a fruitful … Continue reading
After having repotted the cactus into a larger and more “sophisticated” cachepot, the cactus is growing like crazy. Hopefully, next time the weather is better for a nicer photo of this fast-growing creature. May Update: Cactus: 61 cm / PhD: … Continue reading
As I have already announced in my latest post, the latest issue of Mission Économie de la Biodiversité’s “BIODIV’2050″ (No. 6 — April 2015) is out. Beside the previously mentioned article entitled “Thinking out the appropriate frameworks: biodiversity offsets and safeguards” another … Continue reading
The latest issue of Mission Économie de la Biodiversité’s “BIODIV’2050″ (No. 6 — April 2015) is out. Among others, this includes an article on biodiversity offsets entitled “Thinking out the appropriate frameworks: biodiversity offsets and safeguards”. The article highlights the importance … Continue reading
Today is another BBOP webinar being held. This time the topic is: “The Cross Sector Biodiversity Initiative Mitigation Hierarchy Guide”. Mark Johnston (the current Chair of CSBI) will present the current work plan and activities of CSBI and provide details on the … Continue reading
Carsten Mann and Arno Simons have published a new paper entitled “Local emergence and international developments of conservation trading systems: innovation dynamics and related problems” in Environmental Conservation (2014). You can read the full article on the Journal website (pay-walled). For more … Continue reading
The British Ecological Society (BES) in a recent post looks at uncertainty and unanswered questions with regard to biodiversity offsets. The author of the article concludes that since the UK government’s consultation closed at the end of 2013, “the Government … Continue reading
Jerneja Penca has published a new paper entitled “Biodiversity Offsetting in Transnational Governance” in Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law (Volume 24, Issue 1, pages 93–102, April 2015. You can read the full article on the Journal website … Continue reading
Anders Enetjärn and his team at Swedish environmental consultancy Ennetjärn Natur together with Kairos Futur have written an extensive report entitled “Habitat banking — Futures for market-based solutions for biodiversity to year 2030″. Unfortunately (for most of us) the report … Continue reading