Cactus status post #10

After hav­ing repot­ted the cac­tus into a larger and more “sophis­ti­cated” cachepot, the cac­tus is grow­ing like crazy. Hope­fully, next time the weather is bet­ter for a nicer photo of this fast-growing creature.

May Update:

Cac­tus: 61 cm / PhD: 181 pages

2015, April:

Cac­tus: 53 cm / PhD: 171 pages

2015, March:

Cac­tus: 49 cm / PhD: 153 pages

2015, Feb­ru­ary:

Cac­tus: 47 cm / PhD: 145 pages

2015, Jan­u­ary:

Cac­tus: 42 cm / PhD: 139 pages


Cac­tus: 39 cm / PhD: 106 pages


Cac­tus: 37 cm / PhD: 94 pages


Cac­tus: 35,5 cm / PhD: 90 pages


Cac­tus: 33 cm / PhD: 83 pages


Cac­tus: 30 cm / PhD: 53 pages

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