Events on Biodiversity Offsets

If you want to announce any upcom­ing events on bio­di­ver­sity off­sets or want to share your insights and expe­ri­ence from past events on bio­di­ver­sity off­sets please con­tact me. You can do that here.

Business and Biodiversity session at Conservation Optimism Summit (21st April 2017)

If you’ve been around social media in recent weeks and inter­ested in nature con­ser­va­tion, you prob­a­bly have come across the Con­ser­va­tion Opti­mism Sum­mit (held in Lon­don, 20–22 April 2017). There has been a lot of excite­ment and pos­i­tivism. This, how­ever … Con­tinue read­ing

Workshop on biodiversity offsets and habitat banking on September 20, 2016 in Barcelona (Spain)

The Depart­ment for Sus­tain­abil­ity of the Direc­ción de Políti­cas Ambi­en­tales de la Gen­er­al­i­tat de Cataluña (Barcelona, Spain) is orga­niz­ing a work­shop on bio­di­ver­sity off­sets and habi­tat bank­ing (in Span­ish), enti­tled “Hacia la No Pér­dida Neta de bio­di­ver­si­dad en la eval­u­ación ambi­en­tal: … Con­tinue read­ing

Biodiversity offsets at EcoSummit 2016 in Montpellier

Today the 5th Inter­na­tional Eco­Sum­mit was opened in Corum Con­gress Cen­ter in Mont­pel­lier (France). There will be a few pre­sen­ta­tions on impact assessment/mitigation and bio­di­ver­sity off­sets — most notably a ses­sion on “Euro­pean per­spec­tives and global chal­lenges on achiev­ing no net … Con­tinue read­ing

Call for abstracts for session on biodiversity offsets at Ecocummit 2016 in Montpellier: European perspectives and global challenges on achieving no net loss of biodiversity in the context of development

I am orga­niz­ing a ses­sion on bio­di­ver­sity off­sets for the 2016 Eco­sum­mit to be held in Mont­pel­lier (29 August — 1 Sep­tem­ber 2016 | Le Corum, Mont­pel­lier, France) together with Fabien Quétier and Wolf­gang Wende. The title is: Euro­pean per­spec­tives and global … Con­tinue read­ing

Follow up on Biodiversity offsetting public forum in the Niagara region (Canada)

I had announced the pub­lic forum on bio­di­ver­sity off­set­ting in the Nia­gara region (Canada) yes­ter­day. If you could not par­tic­i­pate and are nev­er­the­less inter­ested in the results, have a look at the youtube video and see also some pho­tos on … Con­tinue read­ing

Biodiversity offsetting public forum in the Niagara region (Canada) on January 27, 2016

Here’s some last minute infor­ma­tion on a pub­lic forum on bio­di­ver­sity off­set­ting in the Nia­gara region (Canada). The pub­lic forum will be a vehi­cle for cit­i­zens to voice their opin­ion and ask ques­tions relat­ing to off­set­ting. Date: Wednes­day, Jan­u­ary 27, 2015 Time: 6:30 pm … Con­tinue read­ing

Open skies for the future of BBOP

The past meet­ing of the advi­sory group of the Busi­ness and Bio­di­ver­sity Off­sets Pro­gram (BBOP12) which took place in Barcelona Octo­ber 26–27, 2015 is one of the exam­ples of events that I attended and that are great which I feel … Con­tinue read­ing

Meet the authors of the recent book on ecological compensation in France (Nov 18, 2015 in Paris)

Recently I have men­tioned a book edited by Lev­rel et al on com­pen­sa­tion mea­sures and bio­di­ver­sity off­sets from a French per­spec­tive (see NEW BOOK: Restau­rer la nature pour atténuer les impacts du développe­ment). I just got the infor­ma­tion that next … Con­tinue read­ing

Bio­di­ver­sity man­age­ment and devel­op­ment: chal­lenges, oppor­tu­ni­ties and new directions

Well, as I have men­tioned in my pre­vi­ous post today some­times it’s the more inter­est­ing things that slip through your fin­gers, even with your best inten­tions — or because of them. This was par­tic­u­larly the case for the “Bio­di­ver­sity man­age­ment … Con­tinue read­ing

Conference on Ecological compensation in Sweden (Nov 18, 2015 in Stockholm)

Today I want to share with you some  short infor­ma­tion on a few past and future events you might be inter­ested in. The first one is a con­fer­ence on eco­log­i­cal com­pen­sa­tion in Swe­den, jointly organ­ised by con­sul­tancy Enetjärn Natur and … Con­tinue read­ing