Meet the authors of the recent book on ecological compensation in France (Nov 18, 2015 in Paris)

Recently I have men­tioned a book edited by Lev­rel et al on com­pen­sa­tion mea­sures and bio­di­ver­sity off­sets from a French per­spec­tive (see NEW BOOK: Restau­rer la nature pour atténuer les impacts du développe­ment). I just got the infor­ma­tion that next … Con­tinue read­ing

NEW BOOK: Protecting the Environment, Privately — including mining offsets in NSW

Editor(s): Jef­frey Ben­nett Title: Pro­tect­ing the Envi­ron­ment, Pri­vately Year: 2015 Pages: 380 pages Pub­li­ca­tion type: book Lan­guage: Eng­lish Source: Chap­ter 15 of this book is ded­i­cated to bio­di­ver­sity off­sets in min­ing in Aus­tralia: Robert Gille­spie (2015) Min­ing Off­sets in NSW. Pro­tect­ing the Envi­ron­ment, … Con­tinue read­ing

NEW BOOK: Vanishing Nature: facing New Zealand’s biodiversity crisis

Author(s): Marie A Brown, R T Theo Stephens, Raewyn Peart and Bevis Fed­der Title: Van­ish­ing Nature: fac­ing New Zealand’s bio­di­ver­sity cri­sis Year: 2015 In: pub­lished by Envi­ron­men­tal Defence Soci­ety, New Zealand Pages: ~200 pages Pub­li­ca­tion type: book Lan­guage: Eng­lish Source: Addi­tional infor­ma­tion … Con­tinue read­ing

Biodiversity Offsets Newsweek, November 24–30, 2014

About the Bio­di­ver­sity Off­sets Newsweek If you are inter­ested in envi­ron­men­tal com­pen­sa­tion and bio­di­ver­sity off­sets, there are cer­tainly good news: there is now a whole bunch of infor­ma­tion from dif­fer­ent sources, loca­tions and view­points pub­licly avail­able (some­thing which wasn’t this … Con­tinue read­ing

Could accountants really solve global problems like climate change, environmental degradation, over population, and pollution? — asks Gleeson-White in her new book “Six Capitals”

The ques­tion whether accoun­tants “can save the planet” as the sub­ti­tle of the new book by Jane Gleeson-White (“Six Cap­i­tals. The rev­o­lu­tion cap­i­tal­ism has to have — or can accoun­tants save the planet?”) sug­gests, points to the core of the … Con­tinue read­ing