The French ministry of the environment (Ministère de l’Écologie, du Développement durable et de l’Énergie) has recently issued an article on the application of the mitigation hierarchy (called séquence Eviter-Reduire-Compenser — ERC) in France. It is entitled “The mitigation hierarchy, a tool to preserve natural habitats” and was published in “le point sur”. Thanks to Anne-Laure Wittmann for pointing to this. For more information you can also refer to my previous post: Doctrine ERC (Eviter-Reduire-Compenser) – Application of the Mitigation Hierarchy in France.
Here’s the link to the English version: and the French version can be found here:
For a brief overview, please have a look at the abstract:
Built developments can have adverse impacts on natural habitats. The mitigation hierarchy, known in French law as the “séquence éviter, réduire et compenser” (or séquence ERC), means that such impacts must be avoided, then minimized and as a last resort, offset or compensated for. The objective is to preserve the environmental quality of ecosystems. The implementation of the séquence ERC has required methodological guidelines that were published in October 2013 after the national doctrine was published in May 2012. These documents were developed by a multi-stakeholder working group led by the ministry of sustainable development with representatives of public administration, local authorities, the private sector and civil society. Among other issues, they address biodiversity offsets, which have been reinforced as an obligation by the Grenelle Law II in cases where there are impacts on major environmental issues. Both documents cover terrestrial, aquatic and marine ecosystems. They will be updated according to lessons learned from their implementation, evolutions in the legal framework, scientific and technical progress.
Just in case the link will be changed in the future, I have uploaded the English and the French version here:
The mitigation hierarchy — a tool to preserve natural habitats France
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