This is a last minute reminder to register for another interesting BBOP webinar, taking place today, October 12.
Ophélie Darses, Deputy Bureau Chief of Global Public Goods from the French Ministry of Environment, Energy and Sea, and Fabien Quétier from the French environmental consultancy Biotope will present and discuss the new provisions introduced by the new French biodiversity law including its implications on the rights and duties of “offset operators”, financial guarantees for offsets, and a national public georeferenced database on offsets.
As usual the webinar is part of the BBOP community of practice (all previous webinars are archived there if you want to listen to them later).
When and how does the BBOP webinar take place?
(4pm CET; 3pm UK; 10am EDT)
Some information on the BBOP webinar
Over the past five years France has reframed a diverse set of sectorial regulations (targeting woodland, wetlands, habitats and species) into a coherent No Net Loss policy, for which guidance was published in 2012 and 2013. In parallel, a number of initiatives and pilot projects were being implemented on particular dimensions of the mitigation hierarchy, including pilot “habitat banks”. In August 2016, after two years of parliamentary debates, France approved its new biodiversity law. The law states that the application of the mitigation hierarchy must aim for No Net Loss or a Net Gain of biodiversity and specifies a number of things regarding implementation, including introducing mitigation banks called “natural offsetting areas” (sites naturels de compensation), and conservation easements.