No Net Loss and Biodiversity Offsets: documentation from the EcoSummit

As I had promised ear­lier, I am shar­ing with you some impres­sions and pre­sen­ta­tions from our bio­di­ver­sity off­sets ses­sion at the recent Eco­Sum­mit in Mont­pel­lier. After the gen­eral ses­sion descrip­tion and line-up of speak­ers, find below the abstract and pre­sen­ta­tion … Con­tinue read­ing

SHORT INFO: Confronting threats to marine ecosystems through the use of biodiversity offsets

What’s it about in short: infor­ma­tion on marine bio­di­ver­sity off­sets (via a related sym­po­sium and BBOP webi­nar) When was it released: August 18, 2016 By whom: Nicki Shumway More info: Pre­sen­ta­tion by Nicole Shumway, … Con­tinue read­ing

PhD on environmental compensation for aquatic ecosystems by Anne-Charlotte Vaissière available online: Le recours au principe de compensation écologique dans les politiques publiques en faveur de la biodiversité : enjeux organisationnels et institutionnels : cas des écosystèmes aquatiques marins et continentaux

Another PhD in the field of envi­ron­men­tal com­pen­sa­tion and bio­di­ver­sity off­sets is avail­able online. Con­grat­u­la­tions to Anne-Charlotte Vais­sière who suc­cess­fully com­pleted her the­sis at Uni­ver­sité de Bre­tagne Occi­den­tale (France). The the­sis is in French, enti­tled “Le recours au principe de … Con­tinue read­ing

Marine and terrestrial biodiversity offsets: so close and yet so far away — a comment by Céline Jacob

This is a guest post by Céline Jacob, PhD Stu­dent on Marine and Coastal Bio­di­ver­sity Off­sets at CREOCEAN — Cen­ter for Func­tional and Evo­lu­tion­ary Ecol­ogy in Mont­pel­lier (France). This com­ment is the expres­sion of the author’s thoughts and expe­ri­ences and … Con­tinue read­ing

Biodiversity Offsets Newsweek, September 29-October 5, 2014

About the Bio­di­ver­sity Off­sets Newsweek If you are inter­ested in envi­ron­men­tal com­pen­sa­tion and bio­di­ver­sity off­sets, there are cer­tainly good news: there is now a whole bunch of infor­ma­tion from dif­fer­ent sources, loca­tions and view­points pub­licly avail­able (some­thing which wasn’t this easy … Con­tinue read­ing

Will the Great Barrier Reef die off: How harmful are coastal development activities and can Marine Biodiversity Offsets be effective?

In 2017 Amer­i­can ecol­o­gists from the Mass­a­chu­setts Insti­tute of Tech­nol­ogy (MIT) develop the ground­break­ing tech­nol­ogy “Gen­Calc”. The new cal­cu­la­tion method offers the oppor­tu­nity to ini­ti­ate transna­tional bio­di­ver­sity com­pen­sa­tion and credit trad­ing – for the first time with­out neglect­ing the com­plex­ity … Con­tinue read­ing