Marine and terrestrial biodiversity offsets: so close and yet so far away — a comment by Céline Jacob

This is a guest post by Céline Jacob, PhD Stu­dent on Marine and Coastal Bio­di­ver­sity Off­sets at CREOCEAN — Cen­ter for Func­tional and Evo­lu­tion­ary Ecol­ogy in Mont­pel­lier (France). This com­ment is the expres­sion of the author’s thoughts and expe­ri­ences and … Con­tinue read­ing

The theory-practice gap in biodiversity offsets — a comment by Alan Key

This is a guest post by Alan Key from Aus­tralian con­sul­tancy Earth­trade. This com­ment is the expres­sion of the author’s thoughts and expe­ri­ences and such is acknowl­edged as a fruit­ful con­tri­bu­tion to the dis­cus­sion on bio­di­ver­sity off­sets. If you want … Con­tinue read­ing