There are a number of blogs on Biodiversity offsets out there in the internet if you google a bit. However, as most of the information on biodiversity offsets is rather fragmented (with the exeption of the Business and Biodiversity Offset Program’s web presence which continues to be my major source of information online, see my previous post you will probably be having a hard time drawing the most valid information out of this.
What is most apparent is that none of these blogs have a specific focus on biodiversity offsets as this Biodiversity Offsets Blog aims for. Instead, biodiversity offsets usually are one issue among many others related to environmental concerns and biodiversity management. It is quite obvious that these blogs usually originate from countries where biodiversity offsets are in practice or under discussion. Many of them have a focus on the UK where a lively and controversial discussion about Biodiversity Offsets takes place on the planned introduction of biodiversity offsets as a mandatory scheme. Another characteristic of most blogs on biodiversity offsets is that they usually express more or less harsh criticism of biodiversity offsets and are sometimes used for campaigning against biodiversity offsets.
Following I will give you an overview on existing blogs of my knowledge (including some internet columns and web articles) ranked on their relevance (please don’t nail me on this).
Blogs on Biodiversity Offsets with regularly updated contents
George Monbiot’s blog
George Monbiot is a UK based environmental and political activist who writes a weekly column for The Guardian (covering various issues, including biodiversity offsets and other environmental topics) and is the author of a number of books. He has greatly incfluenced the discussion on biodiversity offsets in the UK (arguing against biodiversity offsets). His (very elaborate) articles are also published and archived in his blog see also my previous on one of his latest posts: George Monbiot’s criticism on Biodiversity Offsets and the Natural Capital Agenda: “The pricing of Everything”)
British Ecological Society
The section on biodiversity offsets of the British Ecological Society’s blog obviously focuses on the situation and controversy in the UK. You find numerous posts here:
a new nature blog by Miles King
Miles King’s blog on nature conservation in the UK includes many posts on biodiversity offsets in the UK, taking a critical view:
Woodland matters blog by the UK Woodland trust
The blog by the Woodland Trust, “the UK’s leading woodland conservation charity, committed to planting, protecting and promoting native woods and trees and the country’s remaining ancient woodland” posts on biodiversity offsets and the responsive campaigns:
Ecosystem Marketplace
Ecosystem Marketplace, a project of Forest Trends is a huge US based platform covering markets related to water, carbon and biodiversity issues (Ecosystem services).
The biodiversity “branch” includes Conservation banking in the U.S., Wetland/stream mitigation banking in the U.S., Australian biodiversity offset programs, Voluntary biodiversity offsets etc.
You can find interesting posts on biodiversity offsets in the New and Articles section or you can have a look at their Mitigation Mail Newsletter (I will find out how to subscribe to the newsletter and let you know)
Mercados de Medio Ambiente
This is a platform on environmental markets in Spanish language, fostered by the Spanish offset provider Ecoacsa. To find out more, visit or check the posts in the Biodiversity Professionals group on LinkedIn (you need to become member of the group to follow and join the discussion). Here is a recent post on how habitat banking works:
Blogs on Biodiversity Offsets with several posts
The ecosystem services blog by Fabien Quétier
Fabien Quétier has published a number of detailed posts on biodiversity offsets on this blog on “Analyses and comments on the science and practice of ecosystem services and biodiversity”: Unfortunately, the latest post dates back to 2012.
Planning Practice Guidance for the Natural Environment: Biodiversity, ecosystems and green infrastructure
This blog answers different questions with regard to the UK legislation, including issues on biodiversity offsets:
Fauna & Flora International FFI
The NGO Fauna & Flora International (FFI) has dedicated some posts of their blog to biodiversity offsets worldwide: and and
EcoLincNZ - Ecology and evolution news and commentary from Lincoln University Christchurch, New Zealand
Seems like this blog written by the staff and students of Lincoln University has only recently covered the issue of biodiversity offsets: I have found two articles specifically referring to biodiversity offsets: and
MoBetta Blog by Becca Madsen
US based Becca Madsen who works at Ecosystem Marketplace (see above) hosts her MoBetta Blog on the page of her consultancy (Madsen Environmental) and shares insights on (wetland) mitigation and biodiversity offsets:
BCM Class Blog — MSc Biodiversity Conservation & Management
The blog of MSc Biodiversity Conservation & Management at Oxford University, UK, is an informal blog for class exercises, sharing ideas on dissertation projects and discussions on any topic of interests, including several posts on biodiversity offsets and mitigation banking:
Landscape Juice Network — An open association of landscape industries
Two posts on biodiversity offsets can be found on the Landscape Juice Network, originating from the UK: “Biodiversity Offsetting — Opportunity or Threat to your Livelihood”, posted by James Hewetson-Brown: and “BO — A Massive Threat to the Landscaping Industry”, posted by Pip Howard:
Blogs on Biodiversity Offsets with single posts
Practical Ethics — Ethics in the News:‘Destroying one ecosystem and constructing another: biodiversity offsetting and particular value’
The Practical Ethics blog provides a daily ethical analysis of news events (including environmental issues) from researchers in four centers based at the Philosophy Faculty, University of Oxford. Tom Douglas has posted on biodiversity offsets:
‘Biodiversity offsetting: can it work in England?’ Guest blog post by Professor EJ Milner-Gullannd
posted 16 October 2013 by Professor EJ Milner-Gulland on In Verba, the Royal Society’s science policy blog
The Wildlife Trust: ‘Thoughts on biodiversity offsetting’
The UK based NGO The Wildlife Trust campaigns against biodiversity offsetting:
a world to win blogs: ‘Biodiversity Offsetting — a license to trash nature’
Penny Cole posts on “a world to win blogs”:
your energy blog: ‘Biodiversity Offsetts: A Balance Of Life’
Scott Shugarts posts on “your energy blog”:
Counter Balance: ‘Biodiversity Offsetting: Making Dreams Come True’
Counter Balance has presented a short mockumentary on biodiversity offsets claiming Regent’s Park in the heart of London for shale gas extraction using biodiversity offsets:
Related blogs, websites or projects
RESTORE — Ecosystem restoration in policy and practice: restore, develop, adapt
This is not really a blog on biodiversity offsets, but focuses more on ecosystem restoration and originates from a Swedish research project. To find out more, please visit — sharing tips and experience on nature restoration
While the blogs and websites mentioned above already represent a lot of information on blogs on biodiversity offsets, this list is far from covering the whole picture that is available on the internet. There are many more blogs on biodiversity offsets online that will be covered by following posts. In the meantime you can find a preliminary list with links as pdf here: For any additional suggestions please get in contact! Please tell me which blogs or websites should be included /you like (as many blogs in the field are quite specific and — at least for google, not for me 😉 — quite small and of low relevance)!