As many have impatiently waited for it, I am happy to announce that the results of the European Commission’s public consultation on its planned No Net Loss Initiative are published online on the website of the European Commission. The internet … Continue reading
Tag Archives: voluntary
Sarah Benabou has published a new paper on “Making Up for Lost Nature? A Critical Review of the International Development of Voluntary Biodiversity Offsets” in Environment and Society: Advances in Research, Volume 5, Number 1, 2014, pp. 103–123(21). You can access the … Continue reading
This is our first guest post, by Jolanda van Schaick from Dutch consultancy CREM! Our worldwide economic activities have repercussions on biodiversity. Plant and animal species are disappearing at an ever increasing rate and the natural resources of our world are becoming … Continue reading
Biodiversity Offsets under regulatory systems A decade ago offsets only existed under several regulatory systems e.g. Environmental Impact Assessment, US Wetland Mitigation, German Impact Mitigation Regulation and other (see table below for some selected more). The business case and voluntary … Continue reading
Inspired by the multitude of biodiversity offsetting approaches worldwide, the inherent complexity of the concept of biodiversity offsets and the growing information overload, I have been interested in the distinction between regulatory and voluntary offsetting schemes since 2009. However, as … Continue reading
There are a number of blogs on Biodiversity offsets out there in the internet if you google a bit. However, as most of the information on biodiversity offsets is rather fragmented (with the exeption of the Business and Biodiversity Offset … Continue reading