Report on guidance for biodiversity compensation in Dutch businesses (BioCom Project)

This is our first guest post, by Jolanda van Schaick from Dutch con­sul­tancy CREM! Our world­wide eco­nomic activ­i­ties have reper­cus­sions on bio­di­ver­sity. Plant and ani­mal species are dis­ap­pear­ing at an ever increas­ing rate and the nat­ural resources of our world are becom­ing … Con­tinue read­ing

New PhD study on Biodiversity offsets and the supply chain: “Compensating the biodiversity impacts of land use: Toward ecologically equal exchange in the North–South context”

PhD study on Bio­di­ver­sity Off­sets I am very happy to see more and more very exten­sive and highly valu­able PhD stud­ies emerge in the off­sets field. One of the lat­est is by Michael Cur­ran pre­pared at the ETH Zurich (Switzer­land). … Con­tinue read­ing