What is the Business Case for Biodiversity Offsets? — my new paper in SQ — raising the sustainability quotient

Some time ago I have been asked by Divya Narain if I could con­tribute an arti­cle to the lat­est issue on busi­ness and bio­di­ver­sity of “SQ — rais­ing the sus­tain­abil­ity quo­tient” –the bul­letin of the Bom­bay Cham­ber of Com­merce and … Con­tinue read­ing

Are Biodiversity Offsets still relevant for India — a comment by Divya Narain

This is a guest post by Divya Narain, Learn­ing man­ager at Envi­ron­men­tal Man­age­ment Cen­ter in Mum­bai, India. This com­ment has pre­vi­ously been pub­lished on Divya’s Blog. It is the expres­sion of the author’s thoughts and expe­ri­ences and as such is acknowl­edged … Con­tinue read­ing

A review of corporate goals of No Net Loss and Net Positive Impact on biodiversity — paper by Rainey et al

Hugo  Rainey, Edward  Pol­lard, Guy Dut­son, Jonathan M. Ekstrom, Suzanne Liv­ing­stone, Helen Tem­ple and John Pil­grim have pub­lished a paper enti­tled “A review of cor­po­rate goals of No Net Loss and Net Pos­i­tive Impact on bio­di­ver­sity” in Oryx. The Inter­na­tional … Con­tinue read­ing

Biodiversity Offsets need a strong regulatory system! Or voluntary engagement?

Bio­di­ver­sity Off­sets under reg­u­la­tory sys­tems A decade ago off­sets only existed under sev­eral reg­u­la­tory sys­tems e.g. Envi­ron­men­tal Impact Assess­ment, US Wet­land Mit­i­ga­tion, Ger­man Impact Mit­i­ga­tion Reg­u­la­tion and other (see table below for some selected more). The busi­ness case and vol­un­tary … Con­tinue read­ing