What are your ideas for new polls on the Biodiversity Offsets Blog?

As a reg­u­lar or occa­sional vis­i­tor to the Bio­di­ver­sity Off­sets Blog, you have cer­tainly noticed (and hope­fully par­tic­i­pated in) the brief one-question mul­ti­ple choice online poll included in the top right side­bar (this time it’s two ques­tions to be exact). … Con­tinue read­ing

15 ways how you can contribute to the Biodiversity Offsets Blog

I don’t know why I usu­ally find myself read­ing the likes of those lists and instruc­tions “10 things to know…”, “3 rea­sons for…” or “100 places to visit…”, even though I have seen them so many times before. The rea­son … Con­tinue read­ing

“Challenging futures of biodiversity offsets and banking” — report and findings from a Workshop held by the “Innovation in Governance Research Group”

“Chal­leng­ing futures of bio­di­ver­sity off­sets and bank­ing” was the name of a work­shop that was held on 19 April 2013 in Berlin. The work­shop was orga­nized by the ‘Inno­va­tion in Gov­er­nance Research Group’ Berlin  as part of its research on … Con­tinue read­ing