BBOP holds first No Net Loss Conference on Biodiversity Offsets, June, 3 — 4, 2014, London

Update Sep­tem­ber 2014

There are a whole fol­low up sec­tion (includ­ing sev­eral videos) as well as an exten­sive sum­mary report avail­able. For more infor­ma­tion see my post No Net Loss Con­fer­ence Con­clu­sions and Sum­mary are out.

My obser­va­tions on the No Net Loss conference

As antic­i­pated the BBOP con­fer­ence was indeed quite packed — both in terms of lots of peo­ple and a whole vari­ety of con­tent. There were about 300 peo­ple present Con­tinue read­ing