What’s it about in short: article adsressing the aims of BirdLife International, IUCN and WWF to balance extractives industries in Africa with social and envieonmental concerns
When was it released: June 12, 2015
By whom: Ken Mwathe, BirdLife
More info: http://www.birdlife.org/africa/news/extractives-industries-africa-blessing-or-curse
Short extract:
Another source of concern is the impact that the Extractive Industry is having on biodiversity, ecosystems and local communities. Across Africa, case studies abound in which extraction of minerals, forest products, oil and gas has left devastated landscapes and disillusioned communities. Is there a middle ground? Can extraction of resources positively contribute to national economies while also respecting the needs of ecosystems, biodiversity and people?
BirdLife International, IUCN and WWF came together recently to try to address this very question. Concerned by the scale and rate of expansion of extractive induutry activities in Africa, the coalition brought this issue to the discussion table during the 15th Session of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN), held between 2 and 6 March 2015 in Cairo, Egypt.