NEW ARTICLE: A World at Risk: Aggregating Development Trends to Forecast Global Habitat Conversion

Author(s): James R. Oakleaf,Christina M. Kennedy,Sharon Baruch-Mordo, Paul C. West, James S. Ger­ber, Larissa Jarvis and Joseph Kiesecker Title: A World at Risk: Aggre­gat­ing Devel­op­ment Trends to Fore­cast Global Habi­tat Con­ver­sion Year: 2015 In: PLOS ONE, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.013833. Pub­lished online: … Con­tinue read­ing

NEW ARTICLE: The Biodiversity Offsetting Dilemma: Between Economic Rationales and Ecological Dynamics

Author(s):  Coralie Cal­vet, Claude Napoléone and Jean-Michel Salles Title: The Bio­di­ver­sity Off­set­ting Dilemma: Between Eco­nomic Ratio­nales and Eco­log­i­cal Dynam­ics Year: 2015 In:Sus­tain­abil­ity 2015, 7(6), 7357–7378; doi:10.3390/su7067357 Pages: pages 7357–7378. Pub­li­ca­tion type: open access jour­nal arti­cle Lan­guage: Eng­lish Source:–1050/6/6/3400/htm (full … Con­tinue read­ing

NEW ARTICLE: Compensaciones de biodiversidad: experiencias en Latinoamérica y aplicación en el contexto colombiano

Author(s): Diana María López Arbeláez, Juan David Quin­tero Sagre Title: Com­pen­sa­ciones de bio­di­ver­si­dad: expe­ri­en­cias en Lati­noamérica y apli­cación en el con­texto colom­biano (Bio­di­ver­sity off­sets: Latin Amer­ica expe­ri­ences and appli­ca­tion in the Colom­bian con­text) Year: 2015 In: La Revista Gestión y Ambi­ente. Vol­u­men 18 … Con­tinue read­ing

NEW ARTICLE: Re-mining the collections: From bioprospecting to biodiversity offsetting in Madagascar

Author(s): Ben­jamin D. Neimark, Bradley Wil­son Title: Re-mining the col­lec­tions: From bio­prospect­ing to bio­di­ver­sity off­set­ting in Mada­gas­car Year: 2015 In: Geo­fo­rum Vol­ume 66, Novem­ber 2015 Pages: pages 1–10. Pub­li­ca­tion type: jour­nal arti­cle Lan­guage: Eng­lish Source: … Con­tinue read­ing

NEW ARTICLE: Biodiversity offsetting and conservation: reframing nature to save it

Author(s): Evan­gelia Apos­tolopoulou and William M. Adams Title: Bio­di­ver­sity off­set­ting and con­ser­va­tion: refram­ing nature to save it Year: 2015 In: Oryx, Pub­lished online: 06 Octo­ber 2015 Pages: 9 pages Pub­li­ca­tion type: jour­nal arti­cle Lan­guage: Eng­lish Source: … Con­tinue read­ing