SHORT INFO: Could the UK be sitting on wasteland that offers £7bn in unused ‘natural capital’?

wastelandWhat’s it about in short: arti­cle on the poten­tial of “waste­land” in terms of nat­ural cap­i­tal in the UK, based on a pilot project.

When was it released: Octo­ber 29, 2015

By whom: Sam Tar­rant

More info: and (pay-walled)

Short extract:

Busi­nesses and landown­ers across the UK should con­sider the true value of under­utilised ‘waste­land’ across the coun­try, after a pilot project by engi­neer­ing giant AECOM and grid oper­a­tor National Grid revealed how rel­a­tively sim­ple steps could dras­ti­cally boost the nat­ural cap­i­tal of neglected land.

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