I’m on twitter!


I am on twitterMany of you have asked me about my twit­ter name in the past two years — and I always had to reply that there was –err– none. but I had this on my to-do list for a long time. Hav­ing fin­ished my PhD I thought this was a great occa­sion to start over new and join twit­ter for an even more vibrant exchange on bio­di­ver­sity off­sets and fight­ing to halt bio­di­ver­sity loss.

You can fol­low me @MarianneDarbi (who would have guessed ;o)) and see all the updates from the Bio­di­ver­sity Off­sets Blog on LinkedIn and on Twit­ter.

Successful defense of my PhD and THANK YOU!

Defense_CollageDear all, I can’t believe it’s been four months since I have not been blog­ging. This past time has been full of work and excite­ment for me — after years of hard work it was finally time to har­vest the fruits.

I have handed in my PhD the­sis by the end of Feb­ru­ary. Thanks to my Uni­ver­sity (Tech­nis­che Uni­ver­sität Dres­den), my insti­tute (Leib­niz Insti­tute of Eco­log­i­cal Urban and Regional Devel­op­ment) and my won­der­ful super­vi­sors (Wolf­gang Wende and Mar­tine Maron — still can’t believe you went through this with me!) I man­aged to have my defense rather quick. So the big day was two weeks ago (for some visual impres­sions see a small gallery below). All went incred­i­bly well and I am happy and proud that this has come to a suc­cess­ful end! appar­ently I have spent the time since then in a men­tal coma of joy and relief ;o)

Slowly com­ing back to earth I want to thank all of you who have sup­ported me and shared your knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence with me over the past years! But please don’t get me wrong: this is not intended to be the end, but rather a new start and I hope to keep in touch and to develop the excit­ing and chal­leng­ing field of bio­di­ver­sity off­sets fur­ther. I am sure there will be plenty of oppor­tu­ni­ties for col­lab­o­ra­tion and exchange!

For the moment I am look­ing for a Post­doc or inter­est­ing project on off­sets some­where around the world and I am also explor­ing how I can sus­tain the Bio­di­ver­sity Off­sets Blog in the long term (in the end it’s always about per­pe­tu­ity, right ;o)). I am open for any ideas or suggestions.

Finally, I will now bit my bit incor­po­rate the infor­ma­tion to the blog that some of you have gen­er­ously sent me in the last few months (thank you and very sorry you had to wait that long) and respond to your mes­sages as soon as possible.

Keep in touch! Con­tinue read­ing

NEW REPORT: Conservation Finance — From Niche to Mainstream

conservation financeAuthor(s): Credit Suisse AG and McK­in­sey Cen­ter for Busi­ness and Environment

Title: Con­ser­va­tion Finance — From Niche to Main­stream: The Build­ing of an Insti­tu­tional Asset Class

Year: 2016

Pages: 28.

Pub­li­ca­tion type: report

Lan­guage: English

Source: https://www.environmental-finance.com/content/research/conservation-finance-from-niche-to-mainstream.html
and find the pdf of the report here.

Con­tinue read­ing

NEW REPORT: Interactive Guide on Natural Capital for Financial Institutions

natural capitalAuthor(s): VBDO, CREM

Title: Inter­ac­tive Guide on Nat­ural Cap­i­tal for Finan­cial Insti­tu­tions

Year: 2016

Pages: 169.

Pub­li­ca­tion type: report

Lan­guage: English

Source: http://www.mercadosdemedioambiente.com/biblioteca/capital-natural/425_interactive-guide-on-natural-capital-for-financial-institutions/#gdQ0rUdaAbtIZJYE (in Span­ish) and the link to the pdf of the arti­cle (full text, in English)

Con­tinue read­ing

Transferring the benefit of USA and European No Net Loss policies to Italy — a guest post by Ariadna Chavarria

This is a guest post by Ari­adna Chavar­ria, PhD can­di­date at the Uni­ver­sity of Padova, Italy. This com­ment is the expres­sion of the author’s thoughts and expe­ri­ences and such is acknowl­edged as a fruit­ful con­tri­bu­tion to the dis­cus­sion on bio­di­ver­sity off­sets. If you want to react or clar­ify your own posi­tion (under­pin or dis­prove Ariadna’s rea­son­ing), please leave a reply below!

The Bio­di­ver­sity and No Net Loss Strat­egy arise aware­ness among Europe to act urgently to halve the bio­di­ver­sity loss and reach restora­tion of at least 15% of Euro­pean degraded ecosys­tems by 2020 (Euro­pean Com­mis­sion, 2011). The strate­gies invite the Mem­ber States to use new instru­ments to achieve NNL of bio­di­ver­sity and ecosys­tem ser­vices as for instance the imple­men­ta­tion of bio­di­ver­sity off­set­ting schemes (Euro­pean Com­mis­sion, 2011; Con­way, M., et al., 2013b). Bio­di­ver­sity off­sets are mea­sur­able con­ser­va­tion out­comes of the actions imple­mented to com­pen­sa­tion for unavoid­able bio­di­ver­sity impacts derived from devel­op­ment projects, after con­sid­er­ing the mit­i­ga­tion hier­ar­chy (ten Kate, et al., 2004). There­fore, bio­di­ver­sity off­sets are a set of poli­cies reg­u­lated and insti­tu­tion­al­ized to trade Ecosys­tem Ser­vices through stan­dard units, ‘cred­its’, com­monly pro­vided by landown­ers man­ag­ing habi­tats to con­serve spe­cific envi­ron­men­tal assets. The cred­its are reg­u­lated by the envi­ron­men­tal agen­cies ensur­ing the deliv­ery of envi­ron­men­tal assets on the ground to equi­tably com­pen­sate for the impacts of pub­lic and/or pri­vate devel­op­ing per­mit­tees. This market-based mech­a­nism pro­vide a more time-, cost– and ecologically-effective off­set­ting alter­na­tive (Eppink and Wät­zold, 2009; Vais­sière, A. and Lev­rel, H., 2015; van Teef­fee­len, A., et al., 2015), by using economies of scale to finance to sus­tain the long-term man­age­ment of ES exchanged in the bio­di­ver­sity mar­ket. The lack of poli­cies to imple­ment mech­a­nisms financ­ing and reg­u­lat­ing high value nat­ural ecosys­tems inside and out Natura 2000 sites has con­tributed to the deple­tion of the Euro­pean nat­ural cap­i­tal. Con­tinue read­ing

Call for abstracts for session on biodiversity offsets at Ecocummit 2016 in Montpellier: European perspectives and global challenges on achieving no net loss of biodiversity in the context of development

ecosummitI am orga­niz­ing a ses­sion on bio­di­ver­sity off­sets for the 2016 Eco­sum­mit to be held in Mont­pel­lier (29 August — 1 Sep­tem­ber 2016 | Le Corum, Mont­pel­lier, France) together with Fabien Quétier and Wolf­gang Wende. The title is: Euro­pean per­spec­tives and global chal­lenges on achiev­ing no net loss of bio­di­ver­sity in the con­text of devel­op­ment. Abstracts can be sub­mit­ted until Feb­ru­ary 15 here.

For more infor­ma­tion see the Eco­sum­mit web­site, the ses­sion descrip­tion below or get in con­tact with me. Con­tinue read­ing

SHORT INFO: Loi sur la biodiversité : « Ne tirez plus sur l’ambulance ! » (French biodiversity law)


What’s it about in short: Harold Lev­rel and Anne Teyssè­dre com­ment on the par­la­men­tary debate and news report­ing about the new French bio­di­ver­sity law

When was it released: Feb­ru­ary 1, 2016

By whom: Harold Lev­rel and Anne Teyssè­dre, le monde

More info: http://www.lemonde.fr/biodiversite/article/2016/02/01/loi-sur-la-biodiversite-ne-tirez-plus-sur-l-ambulance_4857351_1652692.html#mmEh4v1zjMye2eP0.99 Con­tinue read­ing

SHORT INFO: Natural Capital Day

What’s it about in short: Miles King writes about Nat­ural Cap­i­tal day at the Green Alliance and the related report (called Nat­ural Part­ners) and debate.

When was it released: Jan­u­ary 27, 2016

By whom: Miles King, a new nature blog

More info: https://anewnatureblog.wordpress.com/2016/01/27/natural-capital-day/ Con­tinue read­ing