The world of biodiversity offsets is turning faster and faster — at least that’s what it feels like for me: there’s such a lot of information already out there and increasingly new bits are being added to the giant puzzle of knowledge. Now that sounds a bit pathetic, but you get what I mean.
With the capacity that I can dedicate to the blog being limited, I wondered how to face this growing amount of information and decided to create a new post category that is likely to become the most frequent format on the blog: the “SHORT INFO”.
Everything about these posts is meant to be short: smaller picture (if any) and very brief description, without comment or context as for my usual posts. They follow the same structure and provide some basic information on my online finds:
- What’s it about in short?
- When was it released?
- By whom?
- More info (where’s it accessible?)
- (and possibly a short extract from the website)
Hopefully, with this new tool I can share an even greater wealth of information with you as I come across it (and prevent news being buried in my “planned posts” list).
What do you think about this new format? Like it or not? Useful or not the right format? Please tell me what you think and leave a reply! (Oh, and see the first example here!)
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