Who should value nature — new report by Dario Kenner

Dario Ken­ner (Why Green Econ­omy?) has pub­lished a new report enti­tled “Who should value nature? Sus­tain­able busi­ness ini­tia­tive — out­side insights”. You can access the report online and find a pdf fol­low­ing: Kenner_2014_Who-should-value-nature. For more infor­ma­tion please see the related … Con­tinue read­ing

New report on payments for ecosystem services (in French) — Du Sud au Nord: regards croisés sur les Paiements pour Services Environnementaux

CDC Biodiversité’s Mis­sion Economie de la Bio­di­ver­sité has pub­lished a report on pay­ments for ecosys­tem ser­vices, enti­tled “Du Sud au Nord: regards croisés sur les Paiements pour Ser­vices Envi­ron­nemen­taux”. The report (in French) was issued in Novem­ber 2014 in the … Con­tinue read­ing

Global Biodiversity Finance. The Case for International Payments for Ecosystem Services — new book by Bishop and Hill

Joshua Bishop, WWF-Australia and Chloe Hill, Green Econ­omy Tech­ni­cal Advi­sor for WWF Mekong region, Phnom Penh, Cam­bo­dia are the edi­tors of a new book on pay­ments for ecosys­tem ser­vices that has been pub­lished in asso­ci­a­tion with IUCN and UNEP, end … Con­tinue read­ing

The value of valuing nature — new discussion on LinkedIn

Daniel Moura  has started a new dis­cus­sion in the Bio­di­ver­sity Pro­fes­sion­als Group on LinkedIn on the value of valu­ing nature. This is based on a recent arti­cle pub­lished in the research news sec­tion of the Uni­ver­sity of Cam­bridge (UK), enti­tled … Con­tinue read­ing

Biodiversity a-z — online glossaries launched by UNEP

UNEP World Con­ser­va­tion Mon­i­tor­ing Cen­tre (UNEP-WCMC) has launched a new and improved A-Z of Bio­di­ver­sity. This is a clus­ter of online glos­saries about bio­di­ver­sity. Thanks to Eward Pol­lard for point­ing to this. Try it out here and find some more … Con­tinue read­ing

Is the ecosystem service concept improving impact assessment? Evidence from recent international practice — new paper by Sales Rosa and Sánchez

Josianne Clau­dia Sales Rosa and Luis E. Sánchez  have pub­lished a new paper on “Is the ecosys­tem ser­vice con­cept improv­ing impact assess­ment? Evi­dence from recent inter­na­tional prac­tice” in Envi­ron­men­tal Impact Assess­ment Review (Vol­ume 50, Jan­u­ary 2015, Pages 134–142). You can … Con­tinue read­ing

Weaving Ecosystem Services into Impact Assessment — a report by World Resources Institute

This report intro­duces the Ecosys­tem Ser­vices Review for Impact Assess­ment (ESR for IA), a six step method to address project impacts and depen­den­cies on ecosys­tem ser­vices as part of the envi­ron­men­tal and social impact assess­ment process. The steps build on … Con­tinue read­ing

Can you reduce environmental impacts of business within a budget? — play the game

In our very inside, there is a child in each of us which makes that we hardly ever loose our joy of play­ing. That’s prob­a­bly why things like the fol­low­ing game usu­ally attract our atten­tion far more than sim­ple words … Con­tinue read­ing

Organisation de sessions de formations dans le cadre du projet EC-SMD (request to organize workshops on payments for ecosystem services and environmental certification for a project in Morocco)

This is a guest post on behalf of Moha Had­douch, PES Project national coor­di­na­tor at UNDP Morocco. A project on the pro­tec­tion agro­bio­di­ver­sity in Morocco is seek­ing help with the orga­ni­za­tion of three work­shops in the scope of pay­ments for … Con­tinue read­ing

Cartoon Guide to Biodiversity Loss — funny and sad at the same time!

A vast col­lec­tion of car­toons illus­trat­ing bio­di­ver­sity loss — very enter­tain­ing and alarm­ing at the same time. Pic­tures often say much more and much eas­ier than words can do. Have a look and get car­ried away at: http://conservationbytes.com/toothless/cartoons/ Here are some … Con­tinue read­ing