Global Biodiversity Finance. The Case for International Payments for Ecosystem Services — new book by Bishop and Hill

Joshua Bishop, WWF-Australia and Chloe Hill, Green Econ­omy Tech­ni­cal Advi­sor for WWF Mekong region, Phnom Penh, Cam­bo­dia are the edi­tors of a new book on pay­ments for ecosys­tem ser­vices that has been pub­lished in asso­ci­a­tion with IUCN and UNEP, end of 2014. The book is enti­tled “Global Bio­di­ver­sity Finance. The Case for Inter­na­tional Pay­ments for Ecosys­tem Ser­vices” and includes con­tri­bu­tions from: A. Baranzini, N. Bertrand, J. Bishop, B. Borges, P. Cov­ell, S. Engel, A.-K. Faust, L.A. Gal­lagher, C. Hill, D. Huber­man, K. Karousakis, T. Koell­ner, M. Lehmann, A. Lukasiewicz, D. Miller, B. Nor­man, J. Olan­der, W. Proc­tor, F. Sheng, F. Vorhies, S. Waage, T. Wün­scher, R.T. Zuehlke, S. Zwick.

Find more infor­ma­tion on the book and where to order here and a sum­mary and table of con­tents copied below.



Global Bio­di­ver­sity Finance sets out the case for scal­ing up Pay­ments for Ecosys­tem Ser­vices (PES) at the inter­na­tional level. The book explores how Inter­na­tional Pay­ments for Ecosys­tem Ser­vices (IPES) can help cap­ture the global willingness-to-pay for bio­di­ver­sity, and how the result­ing rev­enues can be used effi­ciently to encour­age con­ser­va­tion and the sus­tain­able sup­ply of ecosys­tem ser­vices, on which we all depend. This timely vol­ume includes exam­ples of promis­ing ini­tia­tives from around the world, sup­port­ing an agenda for action to make IPES a reality.

Key ques­tions addressed in this vol­ume include:

  • Which ecosys­tem ser­vices are most likely to attract vol­un­tary inter­na­tional payments?
  • How can we assess the inter­na­tional demand for par­tic­u­lar ecosys­tem services?
  • How can poten­tial importers of intan­gi­ble ecosys­tem ser­vices ensure they receive value for money?
  • What is needed to become a com­pet­i­tive exporter of ecosys­tem services?
  • What kind of bro­ker­ing and other ser­vices are needed to facil­i­tate agree­ments between importers and exporters of ecosys­tem services?
  • What exam­ples exist of inter­na­tional pay­ments for ecosys­tem ser­vices, and what do they tell us about the poten­tial for scal­ing up IPES?

Researchers, teach­ers, pol­icy mak­ers, civil ser­vants and tech­ni­cal staff of NGOs work­ing at the inter­face between busi­ness and nature should find much use­ful mate­r­ial in this book.

Table of contents


1. Intro­duc­tion to Inter­na­tional Pay­ments for Ecosys­tem Ser­vices
Joshua Bishop, Dustin Miller, Nico­las Bertrand, Fulai Sheng and David Huberman

2. Ecosys­tems, Eco­nom­ics and Pay­ment for Ecosys­tem Ser­vices
Joshua Bishop and David Huberman

3. The Two Sides of IPES Trans­ac­tions: Explor­ing the Moti­va­tions for Demand and Sup­ply
Wendy Proc­tor and Sis­sel Waage with con­tri­bu­tions from Markus Lehmann, Joshua Bishop, Beto Borges, Thomas Koell­ner and Anna Lukasiewicz

4. House­hold Demand for Inter­na­tional Ecosys­tem Ser­vices: A Swiss Case Study
Andrea Baranzini, Anne-Kathrin Faust and David Huberman

5. Cost-effective Tar­get­ing for IPES
Tobias Wün­scher and Ste­fanie Engel with con­tri­bu­tions from Katia Karousakis

6. IPES Sup­ply Side Case Study: The Surui Car­bon Project in Brazil
Steve Zwick with con­tri­bu­tions from Phil Cov­ell, Beto Borges and Jacob Olander

7. Match­ing Inter­na­tional Demand For and Sup­ply of Ecosys­tem Ser­vices
Fran­cis Vorhies, Joshua Bishop and Chloe Hill

8. Match­ing Sup­ply and Demand in IPES: The Case of the Green­Palm Ini­tia­tive
Louise A. Gal­lagher, Bob Nor­man and Robert T. Zuehlke

9. Con­clu­sions: Towards Inter­na­tional Pay­ments for Ecosys­tem Ser­vices
Markus Lehmann


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