NEW REPORT: Valuing Nature: Protected Areas and Ecosystem Services

Author(s): (Edi­tors:) Pene­lope Fig­gis, Bren­dan Mackey, James Fitzsi­mons, Jason Irv­ing and Pepe Clarke Title: Valu­ing Nature: Pro­tected Areas and Ecosys­tem Ser­vices Year: 2015 In: IUCN Aus­tralia SCIENCE INFORMING POLICY SYMPOSIUM SERIES Pages: 140. Pub­li­ca­tion type: report Lan­guage: Eng­lish Source: … Con­tinue read­ing

Cynical conservation: cartoons on offsetting, ecosystem services and nature conservation

I have recently stum­bled across the works of “Cyn­i­cal con­ser­va­tion”, a car­toon­ist who shares his cyn­i­cal draw­ings on twit­ter. Most likely to be based in the UK, he (?) describes him­self as a “Cyn­i­cal con­ser­va­tion­ist, illus­trat­ing my frus­tra­tions to remain … Con­tinue read­ing

Who should value nature — new report by Dario Kenner

Dario Ken­ner (Why Green Econ­omy?) has pub­lished a new report enti­tled “Who should value nature? Sus­tain­able busi­ness ini­tia­tive — out­side insights”. You can access the report online and find a pdf fol­low­ing: Kenner_2014_Who-should-value-nature. For more infor­ma­tion please see the related … Con­tinue read­ing

The value of valuing nature — new discussion on LinkedIn

Daniel Moura  has started a new dis­cus­sion in the Bio­di­ver­sity Pro­fes­sion­als Group on LinkedIn on the value of valu­ing nature. This is based on a recent arti­cle pub­lished in the research news sec­tion of the Uni­ver­sity of Cam­bridge (UK), enti­tled … Con­tinue read­ing