BBOP webinar on Friday, January 15, 2015: Biodiversity Offsets in Chile: from goals to reality

bbop-logoThere’s another BBOP webi­nar upcom­ing, on Jan­u­ary 15.

This time the topic is: “Bio­di­ver­sity Off­sets in Chile:  from goals to real­ity”. In this webi­nar, Clau­dia Silva, Con­ser­va­tion Strat­egy Coor­di­na­tor of the Wildlife Con­ser­va­tion Soci­ety — Chile, will exam­ine gaps that need to be filled for suc­cess­ful appli­ca­tion of bio­di­ver­sity off­sets in Chile, and alter­na­tives to move forward.

As usual the webi­nar is part of the BBOP com­mu­nity of prac­tice (all pre­vi­ous webi­nars are archived there if you want to lis­ten to them later).

When and how does the BBOP webi­nar take place?

Fri­day­day, 15 Jan­u­ary at 15:00 UTC
(3:00pm UK; 10:00 am EDT)
You can reg­is­ter via this link. Upon reg­is­tra­tion you will receive a con­fir­ma­tion email with the link to the webi­nar (that will become active shortly before the pre­sen­ta­tion stats. You will be con­nected to audio using your computer’s micro­phone and speak­ers (VoIP). A head­set is rec­om­mended. Or, you may select Use Tele­phone after join­ing the Webinar.

Some infor­ma­tion on the BBOP webinar

Dur­ing the last two years the con­cept of bio­di­ver­sity off­sets has been adopted as a pre­ferred prac­tice to achieve sus­tain­abil­ity within the pro­duc­tive sec­tors in Chile. A guide­line based on off­set­ting prin­ci­ples was launched by the national EIA author­i­ties for all projects hav­ing sig­nif­i­cant impacts on bio­di­ver­sity, and Not Net Loss of Bio­di­ver­sity was included as an objec­tive in the strate­gic plan­ning of both the min­ing and energy sectors.

Despite these advances, ade­quate knowl­edge of off­sets prin­ci­ples is still lim­ited among rel­e­vant stake­hold­ers (e.g. EIA review­ers and con­sul­tants) and there is a gen­eral lack of expe­ri­ence in the coun­try on how to advance these prin­ci­ples to practice.

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