BBOP webinar today, Wednesday, October 12, 2016: France’s new biodiversity law and implications for no net loss of biodiveristy

This is a last minute reminder to reg­is­ter for another inter­est­ing BBOP webi­nar, tak­ing place today, Octo­ber 12. Ophélie Darses, Deputy Bureau Chief of Global Pub­lic Goods from the French Min­istry of Envi­ron­ment, Energy and Sea, and Fabien Quétier from the … Con­tinue read­ing

Marianne Darbi awarded EIA Study Award for her PhD on Biodiversity Offsets

I had blogged about it ear­lier how happy I am to receive the EIA Study Award of the Ger­man Soci­ety for Envi­ron­men­tal Impact Assess­ment. The big day had finally come Thurs­day, 30 Novem­ber and I was enjoy­ing both an inter­est­ing … Con­tinue read­ing

Wissenschaftlerin des IÖR mit UVP-Studienpreis 2016 ausgezeichnet

[This is the offi­cial press release (in Ger­man) on the recent EIA study award that I have received for my PhD on bio­di­ver­sity off­sets.] Für ihre Dis­ser­ta­tion über die Reg­ulierung von Ein­grif­fen in die Umwelt hat Mar­i­anne Darbi, wis­senschaftliche Mitar­bei­t­erin … Con­tinue read­ing

No Net Loss and Biodiversity Offsets: documentation from the EcoSummit

As I had promised ear­lier, I am shar­ing with you some impres­sions and pre­sen­ta­tions from our bio­di­ver­sity off­sets ses­sion at the recent Eco­Sum­mit in Mont­pel­lier. After the gen­eral ses­sion descrip­tion and line-up of speak­ers, find below the abstract and pre­sen­ta­tion … Con­tinue read­ing

SHORT INFO: Biodiversity Net Gain is the next big thing, so what’s the business case?

What’s it about in short: CIRIA, the UK’s con­struc­tion indus­try research and infor­ma­tion asso­ci­a­tion joins forces with Bal­four Beatty to tar­get Bio­di­ver­sity Net Gain fol­low­ing ‘best prac­tice prin­ci­ples’ When was it released: Sep­tem­ber, 2016 By whom: CIRIA UK, Julia Baker More info: … Con­tinue read­ing

Webinar on Thursday, September 22, 2016: Principles for Achieving Net Gain Biodiversity Outcomes from Development

In this webi­nar, brought to you by IEMA, CIRIA and CIEEM, Julia Baker will out­line and review the best prac­tice prin­ci­ples for UK indus­try to achieve bio­di­ver­sity net gain out­comes from devel­op­ment. It will focus on recent prin­ci­ples, drafted and … Con­tinue read­ing

Workshop on biodiversity offsets and habitat banking on September 20, 2016 in Barcelona (Spain)

The Depart­ment for Sus­tain­abil­ity of the Direc­ción de Políti­cas Ambi­en­tales de la Gen­er­al­i­tat de Cataluña (Barcelona, Spain) is orga­niz­ing a work­shop on bio­di­ver­sity off­sets and habi­tat bank­ing (in Span­ish), enti­tled “Hacia la No Pér­dida Neta de bio­di­ver­si­dad en la eval­u­ación ambi­en­tal: … Con­tinue read­ing

SHORT INFO: When biodiversity offsetting can benefit nature

What’s it about in short: Giv­ing exam­ples from the UK con­text (Net­work Rail), Julia Baker argues that there are sit­u­a­tions when the frame­work for bio­di­ver­sity off­set­ting can ben­e­fit nature — and help us achieve our 2020 tar­get of halt­ing bio­di­ver­sity loss. … Con­tinue read­ing

SHORT INFO: Confronting threats to marine ecosystems through the use of biodiversity offsets

What’s it about in short: infor­ma­tion on marine bio­di­ver­sity off­sets (via a related sym­po­sium and BBOP webi­nar) When was it released: August 18, 2016 By whom: Nicki Shumway More info: Pre­sen­ta­tion by Nicole Shumway, … Con­tinue read­ing