Here’s some last minute information on a workshop held by Ontario Nature on wetlands and biodiversity offsets. the workshop will focus on policy gaps and options in light of the Province’s proposed development of a Strategic Plan for Ontario Wetlands.
Date: Monday, October 26, 2015
Time: 8:00 am — 5:00 pm
Location: Black Creek Pioneer Village
Fee: $60 – includes lunch and refreshments
Read more and register online here. You can register online. For registration or event inquiries, please contact: Sarah Hedges at or 416–444-8419 ext 241.
Information on the Workshop
Thank you for your interest in the wetlands policy and biodiversity offsetting workshop, hosted by Ontario Nature in partnership with Ducks Unlimited Canada. At the workshop we will share information and perspectives about policy gaps and options in light of the Province’s proposed development of a Strategic Plan for Ontario Wetlands (EBR Registry Number: 012‑4464).
The workshop will focus in particular on the mitigation hierarchy and on the key issues that should be addressed in developing provincial biodiversity offsetting policy for wetlands. It will feature speakers representing diverse interests who will offer their insights on the policy outcomes needed to reverse the trend of ongoing wetland loss in Ontario.
Registration is $60 and includes lunch and refreshments.
Space is limited.