Job offer on biodiversity offsets: Principal Consultant at the Biodiversity Consultancy, Cambridge (UK)

The Cam­bridge based envi­ron­men­tal con­sul­tancy The Bio­di­ver­sity con­sul­tancy is look­ing for a Prin­ci­pal Con­sul­tant to join their team. The Bio­di­ver­sity Con­sul­tancy (TBC) works with finan­cial, indus­try, gov­ern­ment and NGO sec­tors in pro­vid­ing con­ser­va­tion sci­ence and envi­ron­men­tal man­age­ment exper­tise to meet the … Con­tinue read­ing

BBOP webinar next Thursday, July 30, 2015: The Impacts of Biodiversity Offsets on Protected Areas

There’s another BBOP webi­nar upcom­ing for next week, Thurs­day, July 30. This time the topic is: “The Impacts of Bio­di­ver­sity Off­sets on Pro­tected Areas”. Leon Ben­nun of The Bio­di­ver­sity Con­sul­tancy asks under what cir­cum­stances, and sub­ject to what con­di­tions, are pro­tected … Con­tinue read­ing

Job offer on biodiversity offsets: Senior Principal Consultant at the Biodiversity Consultancy, Cambridge (UK)

The Cam­bridge based envi­ron­men­tal con­sul­tancy The Bio­di­ver­sity con­sul­tancy is look­ing for a Senior Prin­ci­pal Con­sul­tant to join their team. The Bio­di­ver­sity Con­sul­tancy (TBC) works with finan­cial, indus­try, gov­ern­ment and NGO sec­tors in pro­vid­ing con­ser­va­tion sci­ence and envi­ron­men­tal man­age­ment exper­tise to meet … Con­tinue read­ing