SHORT INFO: Valuing the services of nature and why it is so important for business

true price

Busi­ness case for true pric­ing. Source: 2014 Report, Deloitte, EY, PwC, True Pric

What’s it about in short: LinkedIn Post on the val­u­a­tion of ecosys­tem ser­vices and nat­ural cap­i­tal (busi­ness case)

When was it released: Octo­ber 15, 2015

By whom: Pankaj Arora

More info:

Short extract:

Is nat­ural cap­i­tal account­ing a Sil­ver Bullet?

Need­less to say, nat­ural cap­i­tal account­ing has its lim­i­ta­tions. Even though at the sur­face it looks to address and cap­ture the exter­nal costs, it is not a sil­ver bul­let that will solve all the envi­ron­men­tal prob­lems. Food and Water Watch Europe has stated that nat­ural account­ing is a “des­per­ate attempt to fix the fail­ing eco­nomic model” and not to bet­ter man­age it because it puts back the con­trol of nature back into the hands of those who destroyed it in the first place (Hauter, 2013).  Putting mon­e­tary value on nature requires assess­ing each and every aspect of nature and it is extremely dif­fi­cult to put a value on nature based on the sub­jec­tiv­ity and the biases involved (Food and Water Europe, 2013)

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