What’s it about in short: From the very first speeches on the first day of COP21, landscape-scale restoration was on the global agenda as never before.
When was it released: December 24, 2015
By whom: P.J. Marshall
More info: http://www.triplepundit.com/2015/12/landscape-restoration-time/
Short extract:
The Restoration has begun. It’s official.
From the very first speeches on the first day of COP21, landscape-scale restoration was on the global agenda as never before.
Prince Charles was among the first to address the assembled delegates, and was also the first to touch on landscape-scale restoration, elevating it alongside its more commonly discussed cousin, preventing deforestation.
“Given that we have managed to reduce the world’s tropical forests so significantly over recent decades (with over 500 million hectares lost since 1950), the restoration of forest landscapes should not be an afterthought – but an equal priority to halting deforestation and degradation,” he said.