The Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management is holding a one-day introductory workshop on biodiversity offsetting on November 6, 2014, 10am — 4pm in London, managed by Dr. Julia Baker. Costs of 90/180 British Pounds apply (member/non-member).
Unfortunately the workshop is already fully booked, but you can put your name to a reserve list by emailing to
This course is for participants who wish to develop their skills in and knowledge of the biodiversity offsetting approach to development. Following sessions on the history of offsetting, the mitigation hierarchy and the system being pilot tested in England by Defra, the course will focus on the practical application of offsetting for various construction sectors with case study examples.
Here’s a brief information about what to expect from the event:
With a mix of presentations, cohort discussion and group work, participants will be shown how to use the metric system to calculate ‘biodiversity units’, design an offset in accordance with Defra’s guidance and apply multipliers to calculate the amount of biodiversity an offset will provide. The final section will examine the risks of offsetting failure to deliver biodiversity benefits and possible solutions for how these risks can be overcome.
All aspects of the course are founded on the approach for biodiversity offsetting that is being pilot tested by Defra
Read more here.
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