About the Biodiversity Offsets Newsweek
If you are interested in environmental compensation and biodiversity offsets, there are certainly good news: there is now a whole bunch of information from different sources, locations and viewpoints publicly available (something which wasn’t this easy only a couple of years ago). Now, as has been pointed out (see here) the Biodiversity Offsets Blog aims to compile and somewhat structure this information. But there is not only a wealth of sources already out there on the internet, but also new sources are continuously being added. I am following and collecting the news via Scoop.it and cover the most trending ones in posts on the Biodiversity Offsets Blog. Nevertheless, not all news can be covered (at least not yet) and therefore the “Biodiversity Offsets Newsweek” will list up the headlines of the past week, together with the links and PDFs of the articles or news.
This week: November 3–9, 2014
This week (November 3–9, 2014) a biodiversity offsetting workshop, held in London by CIEEM, attracted a lot of interest (see also my previous post). The growing interest in the issue of biodiversity offsets was also visible from the latest news from Academia. A paper by Kormos et al (published open access on PlosOne) on “Great Apes and Biodiversity Offset Projects in Africa” was reviewed and cited several times – leading to the conclusion that “biodiversity offsets need a national strategy”. Apart from this, the journal NATURE published a special issue entitled “Protecting the planet”. This deals with the discussion on natural capital and most importantly analyses the gaps in current nature conservation practice and discussion (to put it simply economic vs. intrinsic valuation of nature). It cumulates in “A call for inclusive conservation” by Heather Tallis and Jane Lubchenco, who claim “working together”. Other news focus on ecological connectivity in Australia, the restoration of Malaysia’s (state of Sabah) wildlife and Sheritt’s Ambatovy mining project in Madagascar (winning a sustainable business award).
Events on biodiversity offsets
Introduction to Biodiversity Offsetting. Workshop 6 November 2014, London, by CIEEM
Biodiversity offset news from Academia
Great Apes and Biodiversity Offset Projects in Africa: The Case for National Offset Strategies, November 5, 2014, by Kormos R and C, Humle, Lanjouw, Rainer, Victurine, Mittermeier, Diallo, Rylands, Williamson
Biodiversity offsets need a national strategy, November 5, 2014, by Katie Newton (see also here and here and here)
NATURE special issue: Protecting the planet, (Nature 515,27–28, 06 November 2014)
Working together: A call for inclusive conservation, November 5, 2014, by Heather Tallis and Jane Lubchenco (Nature 515,27–28, 06 November 2014)
Economics: Account for depreciation of natural capital, November 5, 2014, by Edward B. Barbier
Biodiversity offsets in Australia
OPINION: Campaign connects environmental dots, November 4, by Brian Purdue
Banking On Values, November 5, 2014, by ProBonoAustralia
Other biodiversity offset news
NICKEL: Sherritt wins sustainable business award for Ambatovy project, November 6, 2014, by Daily News
Restoring Sabah’s wildlife habitats, November 9, 2014, by Laili Ismail
PDFs of the Articles/Links
To prevent to loose information find the Pdfs of the articles or news below — as we know, that unfortunately every now and then things are being removed from the internet.
Newsweek 3–9 November 2014_Banking On Values
Newsweek 3–9 November 2014_Biodiversity offsets need a national strategy
Newsweek 3–9 November 2014_OPINION_ Campaign connects environmental dots
Newsweek 3–9 November 2014_Restoring Sabah’s wildlife habitats