Biodiversity Offsets Newsweek, September 8–14, 2014

About the Bio­di­ver­sity Off­sets Newsweek

If you are inter­ested in envi­ron­men­tal com­pen­sa­tion and bio­di­ver­sity off­sets, there are cer­tainly good news: there is now a whole bunch of infor­ma­tion from dif­fer­ent sources, loca­tions and view­points pub­licly avail­able (some­thing which wasn’t this easy only a cou­ple of years ago). Now, as has been pointed out (see here) the Bio­di­ver­sity Off­sets Blog aims to com­pile and some­what struc­ture this infor­ma­tion. But there is not only a wealth of sources already out there on the inter­net, but also new sources are con­tin­u­ously being added. I am fol­low­ing and col­lect­ing the news via and cover the most trend­ing ones in posts on the Bio­di­ver­sity Off­sets Blog. Biodiversity Offsets NewsweekNev­er­the­less, not all news can be cov­ered (at least not yet) and there­fore the “Bio­di­ver­sity Off­sets Newsweek” will list up the head­lines of the past week, together with the links and PDFs of the arti­cles or news (the lat­ter to pre­vent to loose infor­ma­tion — as we know, that unfor­tu­nately every now and then things are being removed from the internet).

This week (Sep­tem­ber 8–14, 2014) the news were dom­i­nated by the announce­ment of the new bio­di­ver­sity off­set fund in New South Wales, Aus­tralia. But there were more news form Aus­tralia, e.g. con­cern­ing the Great Bar­rier Reef and marine bio­di­ver­sity off­sets or the find­ings of a new report that bio­di­ver­sity off­sets are poorly imple­mented at state level. And there are some news on the protest against bio­di­ver­sity off­sets in the UK. Last but not least a new (PhD) report on bio­di­ver­sity off­sets mar­kets was announced.

New bio­di­ver­sity off­set pol­icy and bio­di­ver­sity off­set fund in New South Wales, Australia

Min­ers, devel­op­ers get envi­ron­men­tal dam­age lee­way, Sep­tem­ber 8, 2014, by Sean Nicholls, Newsweek 8–14 Min­ers, devel­op­ers get envi­ron­men­tal dam­age leeway

Off­set pol­icy “hands bush­land to coal indus­try on a plat­ter, Sep­tem­ber 10, 2014, by The Echo, Newsweek 8–14 Off­set pol­icy ‘hands bush­land to coal indus­try on a plat­ter’ _ Echonetdaily

Aca­d­e­mic warns of “paper gains” from NSW bio­di­ver­sity fund. Sep­tem­ber 10, 2014, By David Claughton, Newsweek 8–14 Aca­d­e­mic warns of _paper gains_ from NSW bio­di­ver­sity fund. — ABC Rural (Aus­tralian Broad­cast­ing Corporation)

NSW bio­di­ver­sity off­set fund comes in peace, Sep­tem­ber 9, 2014, by Will Glas­gow, Newsweek 8–14 Sep­tem­ber 2014 NSW bio­di­ver­sity off­set fund comes in peace — The Land

The Envi­ron­ment, Farm­ers & Indus­try to Ben­e­fit from New Off­set Pol­icy. Media Release: The Hon. Rob Stokes MP, Min­is­ter for the Envi­ron­ment, Min­is­ter for Her­itage, Min­is­ter for the Cen­tral Coast Envi­ron­ment, Sep­tem­ber 8, 2014, by NSW Gov­ern­ment Plan­ning & Envi­ron­ment, Newsweek 8–14 Sep­tem­ber 2014 The Envi­ron­ment, Farm­ers and Indus­trey to ben­e­fit form new off­set policy

NSW bio­di­ver­sity off­sets pol­icy for major projects, updated Sep­tem­ber 10, 2014, by NSW Gov­ern­ment Envi­ron­ment & Her­itage, Newsweek 8–14 Sep­tem­ber 2014 NSW Bio­di­ver­sity Off­sets Pol­icy for Major Projects

NSW Bio­di­ver­sity off­sets announced, Updated Sep­tem­ber 8, 2014, by David Claughton (Audio)

New rules for bio­di­ver­sity, Sep­tem­ber 9, 2014, by Louise Nichols, Newsweek 8–14 Sep­tem­ber 2014 New rules for biodiversity

NSW Govt to imple­ment new bio­di­ver­sity off­set fund, Sep­tem­ber 10, 2014 (pay wall)

Other Bio­di­ver­sity Off­set News and Back­ground from Australia

Explainer — Bio­di­ver­sity Off­sets. Dr Mar­tine Maron from Uni­ver­sity of Queens­land in an inter­view with Linda Mot­tram, Sep­tem­ber 9, 2014, by Yuske Aso, Newsweek 8–14 Sep­tem­ber 2014 Explainer — Bio­di­ver­sity Off­sets (Audio)

Hunter Val­ley mine plans could be approved with strin­gent con­di­tions: PAC, Sep­tem­ber 12, 2014, Newsweek 8–14 Sep­tem­ber 2014 Hunter Val­ley mine plans could be approved with strin­gent conditions

Time is tick­ing on Mt Thor­ley: Rio Tinto, Sep­tem­ber 11, 2014, by Vicky Val­i­dakis, Newsweek 8–14 Sep­tem­ber 2014 Time is tick­ing on Mt Thorley_ Rio Tinto _ Min­ing Australia

Aus­tralian states unable to pro­tect nature and world her­itage sites – report, Sep­tem­ber 8, 2014, by Ilaria Bertini, Newsweek 8–14 Sep­tem­ber 2014 Aus­tralian states unable to pro­tect nature and world her­itage sites

Great Bar­rier Reef envi­ron­men­tal off­sets are flawed, Sep­tem­ber 12, 2014, by Penny Orbell and Sara Phillips, Newsweek 8–14 Sep­tem­ber 2014 Great Bar­rier Reef envi­ron­men­tal off­sets are flawed

Rever­sal over Great Bar­rier Reef dredge dump­ing plan. Queens­land gov­ern­ment wants sed­i­ment from Abbot Point devel­op­ment to be dumped on land instead, report says, Sep­tem­ber 6, 2014, by, Newsweek 8–14 Sep­tem­ber 2014 Rever­sal over Great Bar­rier Reef dredge dump­ing plan

Bio­di­ver­sity Off­set News from the UK

Fears over ancient wood­land with Gatwick expan­sion plans, Sep­tem­ber 9, 2014, by Mark Edwards, Newsweek 8–14 Sep­tem­ber 2014 Fears over ancient wood­land with Gatwick expan­sion plans

Cam­paign­ers seek to use plan­ning loop­hole to save 12th-century wood, Sep­tem­ber 9, 2014, by, Newsweek 8–14 Sep­tem­ber 2014 Cam­paign­ers seek to use plan­ning loop­hole to save 12th-century wood

Bio­di­ver­sity Off­set News from Academia

A Report on Bio­di­ver­sity Off­set­ting, Sep­tem­ber 8, 2014, by Car­los Fer­reira, Newsweek 8–14 Sep­tem­ber 2014 Bio­di­ver­sity off­set markets



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