Early bird extended until 8 May (!) for 27th International Congress for Conservation Biology: Mission Biodiversity — Choosing new paths for conservation

The 27th Inter­na­tional Con­gress for Con­ser­va­tion Biol­ogy (and also the 4th Euro­pean Con­gress for Con­ser­va­tion Biol­ogy) is tak­ing place in Mont­pel­lier in the South of France August 2–6, 2015. This year’s title is “Mis­sion Bio­di­ver­sity — Choos­ing new paths for … Con­tinue read­ing

Information event on the EU’s new Natural Capital Financing Facility (NCFF) on 8 May in Brussels

“To pro­tect the diver­sity of our nat­ural sur­round­ings we need to pro­mote the diver­sity of our fund­ing sources. The Nat­ural Cap­i­tal Financ­ing Facil­ity is a new EU fund­ing source that helps busi­nesses to pro­tect nature and adapt to cli­mate change. … Con­tinue read­ing

Launch of “La Mirada de Mercados de Medio Ambiente” newsletter — a guest post by Mercados de Medio Ambiente

This is a guest post by Mer­ca­dos de Medio Ambi­ente, a plat­form for the pro­mo­tion of envi­ron­men­tal mar­kets by Span­ish con­sul­tancy ECOACSA. This com­ment has pre­vi­ously been pub­lished on Mer­ca­dos de Medio Ambi­ente. It is the expres­sion of the author’s … Con­tinue read­ing

Biodiversity offsets: from current challenges to harmonized metrics — new paper by Gonçalves et al presents a literature review

Bár­bara Gonçalves, Alexan­dra Mar­ques, Amadeu Mortágua Velho Da Maia Soares and  Hen­rique Miguel Pereira have pub­lished a new paper enti­tled “Bio­di­ver­sity off­sets: from cur­rent chal­lenges to har­mo­nized met­rics” in a Spe­cial Issue of Cur­rent Opin­ion in Envi­ron­men­tal Sus­tain­abil­ity (Vol­ume 14, … Con­tinue read­ing

Biodiversity offsetting – a fool’s errand? — a comment by James Brown

This is a guest post by James Brown, PhD stu­dent at Queen’s Uni­ver­sity Belfast. This com­ment has pre­vi­ously been pub­lished on QuBio blog of the School of Bio­log­i­cal Sci­ences. It is the expres­sion of the author’s thoughts and expe­ri­ences and … Con­tinue read­ing

PhD on biodiversity offsets markets by Carlos Ferreira available online: Performativity and pluralities of biodiversity offsetting experiments

As a reg­u­lar reader of the Bio­di­ver­sity Off­sets Blog you have seen mul­ti­ple con­tri­bu­tions by Car­los Fer­reira on this blog which clearly mark his exper­tise in the field of bio­di­ver­sity off­sets. It is there­fore great to note that his doc­toral … Con­tinue read­ing

No Net Loss and Net Positive Impact Approaches for Biodiversity — new IUCN study explores the potential for agriculture and forestry

Com­mer­cial agri­cul­ture and forestry could have a net pos­i­tive impact on bio­di­ver­sity – say the authors of a recent report. Thanks to Fabien Quetier for inform­ing me about one of the lat­est IUCN reports enti­tled “No Net Loss and Net … Con­tinue read­ing

Biodiversity Offsets: Opportunities and challenges for their effective design and implementation — resources from an OECD workshop

The OECD has held a work­shop on bio­di­ver­sity off­sets on 6–7 Novem­ber 2013 at the OECD Head­quar­ters. The work­shop exam­ined the tech­ni­cal and ana­lyt­i­cal issues related to their effec­tive design and imple­men­ta­tion with an aim to derive insights on and … Con­tinue read­ing

Biodiversity Offsets Blog goes Spanish — on Mercados de Medio Ambiente

The Bio­di­ver­sity Off­sets Blog is mak­ing the rounds — thanks to the team at Mer­ca­dos de Medio Ambi­ente for cov­er­ing the Bio­di­ver­sity Off­sets Blog today in a blog post via one of our recent arti­cles — the guest post con­tributed … Con­tinue read­ing