Biodiversity offsets: from current challenges to harmonized metrics — new paper by Gonçalves et al presents a literature review

Bár­bara Gonçalves, Alexan­dra Mar­ques, Amadeu Mortágua Velho Da Maia Soares and  Hen­rique Miguel Pereira have pub­lished a new paper enti­tled “Bio­di­ver­sity off­sets: from cur­rent chal­lenges to har­mo­nized met­rics” in a Spe­cial Issue of Cur­rent Opin­ion in Envi­ron­men­tal Sus­tain­abil­ity (Vol­ume 14, … Con­tinue read­ing

Consultation of the EU on the No Net Loss Initiative (including biodiversity offsets) — Have your say today!

UPDATE 20 Octo­ber 2014: The con­sul­ta­tion is now closed! I will keep you informed on the results and how the process is ongo­ing. The Euro­pean Com­mis­sion has pub­lished an on-line con­sul­ta­tion on a future (2015) EU ini­tia­tive to halt bio­di­ver­sity … Con­tinue read­ing

Comparing biodiversity offset calculation methods with a case study in Uzbekistan — new paper by Bull et al

New paper on bio­di­ver­sity off­sets in Bio­log­i­cal Con­ser­va­tion A new paper has been pub­lished by J. W. Bull, E. J. Milner-Gulland, K. B. Sut­tle and N. J. Singh in Bio­log­i­cal Con­ser­va­tion (Vol­ume 178, Octo­ber 2014, Pages 2–10): “Com­par­ing bio­di­ver­sity off­set … Con­tinue read­ing

Clarifications on the different stages of the Mitigation Hierarchy — new discussion on LinkedIn

Mboringong Fide­line has started a new dis­cus­sion in the BBOP NO Net Loss Dis­cus­sion Group on LinkedIn. The focus is on the dif­fer­ent stages of the Mit­i­ga­tion Hier­ar­chy. Hello All, Please can i get some clar­i­fi­ca­tion on the tran­si­tion process … Con­tinue read­ing