Policy Development for Environmental Licensing and Biodiversity Offsets in Latin America — new paper by Villarroya, Barros and Kiesecker

Ana Vil­lar­roya, Ana Christina Bar­ros and Joe Kiesecker have pub­lished a new paper on “Pol­icy Devel­op­ment for Envi­ron­men­tal Licens­ing and Bio­di­ver­sity Off­sets in Latin Amer­ica” in PLOS ONE. You can access the full paper here  (open access) and find the abstract copied … Con­tinue read­ing

Great Apes and Biodiversity Offset Projects in Africa: The Case for National Offset Strategies — new paper by Kormos et al

Rebecca Kor­mos, Cyril F. Kor­mos, Tatyana Humle, Annette Lan­jouw, Helga Rainer, Ray Vic­turine, A. Mit­ter­meier, Anthony B. Rylands, Mamadou S. Diallo and Eliz­a­beth A. Williamson have pub­lished a new paper on “Great Apes and Bio­di­ver­sity Off­set Projects in Africa: The Case for National Off­set Strate­gies” in Meth­ods … Con­tinue read­ing