Five offsets policies condensed into a single framework in Queensland, Australia — Amendments to Environmental Offsets Act 2014

Recently, the Queens­land Par­lia­ment voted to pass the Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion and Other Leg­is­la­tion Amend­ment Bill 2014 (EPOLA Bill) as part of the Queens­land Government’s green­tape reduc­tion reforms. EPOLA makes changes to the Envi­ron­men­tal Off­sets Act 2014 (EO Act). Read below extracts … Con­tinue read­ing

Take three for Australia’s biodiversity offset policies: Queensland’s new Environmental Offsets regime

After I have cov­ered the new bio­di­ver­sity off­set fund in New South Wales and the bio­di­ver­sity off­set pol­icy in the Aus­tralian Cap­i­tal Ter­ri­tory in pre­vi­ous posts I would like to point to the New Envi­ron­men­tal Off­sets Regime for Queens­land. On 1 July … Con­tinue read­ing