SHORT INFO: Natural capital and nature conservation champions don’t need to fight

What’s it about in short: Green Alliance’s pol­icy direc­tor, Sue Arm­strong Brown says if the mar­ket pays to pro­tect the envi­ron­ment where it can and con­ser­va­tion inter­venes to pro­tect the envi­ron­ment where it must, is the best chance we have to … Con­tinue read­ing

Biodiversity Offsets are all-around at the 27th International Congress for Conservation Biology ICCB-ECCB 2015

I am at ICCB-ECCB (27th Inter­na­tional Con­gress for Con­ser­va­tion Biol­ogy) in Mont­pel­lier (France) this whole week (I have blogged about this some weeks ago). That’s a tremen­dous gath­er­ing of more than 2000 con­ser­va­tion sci­en­tists and bio­di­ver­sity experts from all over … Con­tinue read­ing

Review of the Taninthayi Nature Reserve Project as a conservation model in Myanmar — new report by Pollard, Hlaing and Pilgrim

UK-based con­sul­tancy “The Bio­di­ver­sity Con­sul­tancy” (TBC) has pub­lished a report enti­tled “Review of the Taninthayi Nature Reserve Project as a con­ser­va­tion model in Myan­mar” (authors: E. H. B. Pol­lard, Soe Win Hlaing and J. D. Pil­grim). The study was com­mis­sioned … Con­tinue read­ing