SHORT INFO: What’s next for the EU2020 strategy to protect biodiversity?

What’s it about in short: The author men­tions tar­gets for the remain­ing five years towards the EU2020 strat­egy. When was it released: Octo­ber 16, 2015 By whom: Sanya Khetani-Shah More info: … Con­tinue read­ing

SHORT INFO: Mid-term review of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020

What’s it about in short: The mid-term review of the EU Bio­di­ver­sity Strat­egy to 2020 describes progress made in imple­ment­ing the actions and achiev­ing the tar­gets set out in the strat­egy adopted in 2011. The report demon­strates that action on the … Con­tinue read­ing