What’s it about in short: letter by organizations and individuals to EU Commission on biodiversity offsetting concerns
When was it released: October 20, 2014
By whom: FERN
More info: http://www.fern.org/publications/ngo-statements/open-letter-commissioner-poto%C4%8Dnik-about-biodiversity-offsetting and http://www.redd-monitor.org/2014/10/21/stop-biodiversity-offsets-thousands-sign-letter-to-the-european-commission/
Short extract:
This letter from a group of concerned organisations and individuals who believe that legislation on biodiversity offsetting being considered by the European Commission would harm nature and people, and would give power to those who destroy nature for private profit. The signatories ask for all plans on offsetting to be dropped. To see the European Commission response please click here.