SHORT INFO — NSW Election 2015: Baird biodiversity offsets plan endangered under Labour

What’s it about in short: arti­cle on bio­di­ver­sity off­sets and pol­icy change (?) in New South Wales, Australia

When was it released: March 6, 2015

By whom: Peter Han­nam, The Syd­ney Morn­ing Herald

More info:

Short extract:

Labor is promis­ing to scrap the Coalition’s bio­di­ver­sity off­set pro­gram that allows min­ers to com­pen­sate for habi­tat destruc­tion often far from the mine, a pledge wel­comed by con­ser­va­tion groups.

The cur­rent Bio­di­ver­sity Pol­icy for Major Projects intro­duced last year by the Baird gov­ern­ment is allow­ing an “unjus­ti­fied loss of habi­tat and wildlife”, Labor said in a statement.

A revised pol­icy under Labor would limit off­sets to “like-for-like” land “within a rea­son­able geo­graphic prox­im­ity” of the area being cleared. Out­comes would avoid so-called net-loss out­comes, and recog­nise that some lands are of too valu­able to be dis­turbed, Labor said in a statement.

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