What’s it about in short: launch of the Great Victoria Desert Biodiversity Trust
as part of the offsets strategy for the Tropicana Gold Mine in Western Australia
When was it released: November 25, 2014
By whom: 360 environmental
More info: http://www.360environmental.com.au/news-resources/great-victoria-desert-biodiversity-trust-launched/ and http://www.tropicanajv.com.au/irm/content/biodiversity-trust1.aspx?RID=339 and goo.gl/iv463P (pdf)
Short extract:
On November 25, the Great Victoria Desert Biodiversity Trust (the Trust) was launched. 360 Environmental worked with AngloGold Ashanti Australia Ltd to develop the Trust initiative with the assistance of the State and Federal regulators, stakeholders and the Peer Review Panel (made up of expert scientists, indigenous and community representatives) established through the Environmental Impact Assessment process for the project. The Trust is a new environmental initiative which will focus on conserving and increasing knowledge of biodiversity in the Great Victoria Desert.
The Trust was established by the Tropicana Joint Venture (AGAA 70% and manager, Independence Group NL 30%) as part of its offset strategy for the Tropicana Gold Mine in Western Australia. The Trust represents a new structure of offset delivery and operates as a unique partnership model between industry and government. The Tropicana Gold Project is located on the western edge of the Great Victoria Desert (GVD). The joint venture partners recognised the need for basing management decisions on robust science and hence, the concept of the Great Victoria Desert Biodiversity Trust (the Trust) was conceived.