What’s it about in short: BirdLife’s Ariel Brunner summarizes and comments on the interrim outcomes of the fitness check of the EU Birds and Habitat Directives
When was it released: November 20, 2015
By whom: Ariel Brunner, BirdLife
see also my post on that: NATUE ALERT — last three days of the public consultation as part of the ‘fitness check’ for EU nature legislation (Birds Directive, Habitats Directive)
Short extract:
Although the evidence looked at in the study gives no support to merging and modernising the directives, it does clearly point to the need to strengthen their enforcement. The Nature Alert campaign we have been jointly leading with other conservation NGOs is calling for the same thing; that rather than re-opening the Nature Directives, the Commission should instead be looking at where they’re not being properly followed.
The Birds and Habitats Directives are fit for purpose and there is clearly no case for ‘merging and modernising’ them. It’s also clear where the real problems are: poor and uneven enforcement of the laws, a lack of funding and the impact of perverse policies such as the Common Agricultural Policy.