D. M. Evans, R. Altwegg, T. W. J. Garner, M. E. Gompper, I. J. Gordon, J. A. Johnson and N. Pettorelli have published a paper entitled “Biodiversity offsetting: what are the challenges, opportunities and research priorities for animal conservation?” in Animal Conservation (2014, editorial, pp. 1–3). The authors conclude:
We believe Gardner et al. (2013) provide a useful conceptual framework of the offset-related conditions and design activities necessary to evaluate efforts to achieve NNL conservation outcomes. However, we also acknowledge that the scientific knowledge gaps are significant and that much more research is needed to ensure that biodiversity offsetting schemes do benefit animal conservation. To overcome the above-mentioned issues, constructive, critical engagement is required between conservation scientists and decision makers, which could be facilitated by building more interdisciplinary programs that allow more transparency and common understanding of concepts and issues among stakeholders. It will then be possible to give biodiversity offsetting projects adequate scrutiny and move them from being a largely symbolic policy to a useful tool that can reconcile nature conservation and resource development.
You can access the full paper here or find a pdf following: Biodiversity offsetting and animal conservation