About the Biodiversity Offsets Newsweek
If you are interested in environmental compensation and biodiversity offsets, there are certainly good news: there is now a whole bunch of information from different sources, locations and viewpoints publicly available (something which wasn’t this easy only a couple of years ago). Now, as has been pointed out (see here) the Biodiversity Offsets Blog aims to compile and somewhat structure this information. But there is not only a wealth of sources already out there on the internet, but also new sources are continuously being added. I am following and collecting the news via Scoop.it and cover the most trending ones in posts on the Biodiversity Offsets Blog. Nevertheless, not all news can be covered (at least not yet) and therefore the “Biodiversity Offsets Newsweek” will list up the headlines of the past week, together with the links and PDFs of the articles or news.
This week: October 27 — November 2, 2014
This week (October 27 — November 2, 2014) again some feedback on the (recently closed) consultation of the European Commission on its planned No Net Loss Initiative (see my previous posts) came up. Wouter Langhout and Ariel Brunner from the NGO Birdlife outlined why the EU will fail to deliver on ecosystem restoration and why biodiversity offsets don’t work. Furthermore, a petition Madison Dragna started a petition against biodiversity offsets. Apart from that, there were several articles related to biodiversity offsets from the US and Australia. This includes the Environmental Protection and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2014(EPOLA) by the Queensland Parliament. The amendments to the Offsets Act make it mandatory for an administering agency to consider any relevant offset conditions that are already imposed on an authority issued under another Act. New provisions also clarify the process of how offsets are to be delivered. The US Fish & Wildlife Service is contemplating a program that would recognize conservation credits generated in state programs for any rare species, even if it’s not yet endangered. In his article “US Feds Should Give Credit For Saving Unlisted Species, But Must Do It Right” Timothy Male of Mission: Wildlife says it’s a great idea – but only if it’s done right.
EU consultation on the planned No Net Loss Initiative
Why the EU will fail to deliver on ecosystem restoration, October 30, 2014, by Wouter Langhout
Nature in the crosshair, October 30, 2014, by Ariel Brunner
Don’t Destroy One Natural Area to Restore Another, petition started by Madison Dragna
Amendments to Environmental Offsets Act 2014 in Queensland, Australia
Queensland’s greentape reduction reforms take important step with passage of EPOLA, October 30, 2014, by Clayton Utz, see also here
EPOLA passes Parliament, October 30, 2014, by Property Council of Australia
Biodiversity offsets in Australia
Yancoal denies stalling negotiations on The Drip, October 27, 2014, by Darren Snyder
Biodiversity offsets in the US
Spanos Cos. sets aside 140 acres, and the habitat is thriving, October 27, 2014, by Alex Breitler
Opinion US Feds Should Give Credit For Saving Unlisted Species, But Must Do It Right, October 29, 2014, by Timothy Male
Other biodiversity offset news
Bio-diversity and greening the cities “next big thing”, October 27, 2014, by Willow Aliento
How the deforestation agenda came in from the wilderness, October 30, 2014, by Will Nichols
PDFs of the Articles/Links
To prevent to loose information find the Pdfs of the articles or news below — as we know, that unfortunately every now and then things are being removed from the internet.
Newsweek 27 October-2 November 2014_Bio-diversity and greening the cities “next big thing”
Newsweek 27 October-2 November 2014_EPOLA passes Parliament
Newsweek 27 October-2 November 2014_How the deforestation agenda came in from the wilderness
Newsweek 27 October-2 November 2014_Spanos Cos sets aside 140 acres and the habitat is thriving
Newsweek 27 October-2 November 2014_Yancoal denies stalling negotiations on The Drip