About the Biodiversity Offsets Newsweek
If you are interested in environmental compensation and biodiversity offsets, there are certainly good news: there is now a whole bunch of information from different sources, locations and viewpoints publicly available (something which wasn’t this easy only a couple of years ago). Now, as has been pointed out (see here) the Biodiversity Offsets Blog aims to compile and somewhat structure this information. But there is not only a wealth of sources already out there on the internet, but also new sources are continuously being added. I am following and collecting the news via Scoop.it and cover the most trending ones in posts on the Biodiversity Offsets Blog. Nevertheless, not all news can be covered (at least not yet) and therefore the “Biodiversity Offsets Newsweek” will list up the headlines of the past week, together with the links and PDFs of the articles or news.
This week: November 17–23, 2014
This week (November 17–23, 2014) a multitude of news has covered a few very interesting topics. One of these is the IUCN Worlds Park Congress (November 12–19, 2014). This event takes place every ten years and brings worldwide conservation experts together to share knowledge, reflect on progress and set the agenda for protected areas conservation for the coming decade. Of course, biodiversity offsets – and their relation to or applicability in protected areas — were discussed in Sydney. Furthermore, this week there were several offset related news from the US, namely the new Wetland Restoration Plan announced by the Department of Natural Resources of the state of Wisconsin and several on-the-ground projects. While the government of the state of Maryland (US) is likely to deny a large hydropower dam facility, two articles from Australia focus on approval or extension of two large mining projects. Apart from some (almost usual) news from the UK (including the column of George Monbiot in which he denounces the critical decline of wildlife), a lot more interesting articles and viewpoints can be found: First, two articles elaborate on the role of environmental funds and second, two examples of corporate biodiversity offset projects (one from Canada and one from Hungary) are to be noted. Finally, despite its lacking content, the response by Karmenu Vella to the concerns over biodiversity offsetting in the scope of the recent EU consultation (Letter to the Commission regarding biodiversity offsetting) has to be mentioned. Other news include the publication of the report “B@B Workstream 1: Natural Capital Accounting for Business: Guide to selecting an approach” by the European Commission.
IUCN Worlds Parks Congress
World Parks Congress: setting the agenda for protected areas and biodiversity management, November 19, 2014, by International Council on Mining & Metals
Habitats of 140 Australian threatened species not protected, WWF study finds, November 17, 2014, by Oliver Milman
Biodiversity Offsets in the US
Wis. DNR Announces New Wetland Restoration Plan, November 23, by Department of Natural Resources
State could deny key Conowingo permit, November 19, 2014, by Timothy B. Wheeler
A Conservationist’s Take on the Knowland Park Controversy, November 17, by Alison Hawkes
High-speed rail officials say construction will be a net positive for the environment, November 21. 2014, by Allen Young
Biodiversity Offsets in Australia
Environmental nod for Mount Bruce’s 70Mt/y iron-ore mine, November 18. 2014, by Esmarie Swanepoel
Much-needed step forward: Rio Tinto, November 18, by Singleton Argus
News on the biodiversity offset controversy in the UK
Rochester byelection Labour Candidate linked to Lodge Hill Developers, November 19, 2014, by Miles King
We need a new law to protect our wildlife from critical decline, November 21, 2014, by George Monbiot (see also here)
Biodiversity Offsets and environmental funds
Can Environmental Funds Improve The Biodiversity Performance Of Extractive Industries In Africa? November 18, 2014, by Francis Vorhies
Honda funds skink habitat at Oxford preschool, November 17, 2014, Press Release by Environment Canterbury
Corporate biodiversity offsets examples
Suncor — Can we raise the bar on environmental performance? November 19, 2014, by Suncor (YouTube video)
Can we raise the bar on environmental performance? November 19, 2014, by Suncor
Roche — ALD — WWF Joint Offsetting Program, November 19, 2014, by Roche, Youtube video (2:23 min)
EU consultation on the planned No Net Loss Initiative
Response by Karmenu Vella to the Letter to the Commission regarding biodiversity offsetting, November 20, 2014, by Karmenu Vella
Other biodiversity offset news
Jurisdictional Forest Offsets: California Dreamin’? November 19, 2014, by Frances Seymour
The report “B@B Workstream 1: Natural Capital Accounting for Business: Guide to selecting an approach” is the outcome of the work conducted on the NCA Workstream of the B@B Platform between November 2013 and October 2014, November 19, 2014, by European Commission
Restoration of Lake Sagsjön continues (in pictures), November 19, 2014, by Boris Barov
PDFs of the Articles/Links
To prevent to loose information find the Pdfs of the articles or news below — as we know, that unfortunately every now and then things are being removed from the internet.
Newsweek 17–23 November 2014_A Conservationist’s Take on the Knowland Park Controversy
Newsweek 17–23 November 2014_Business at Biodiversity Workstream 1_Natural Capital Accounting
Newsweek 17–23 November 2014_Honda funds skink habitat at Oxford preschool
Newsweek 17–23 November 2014_Maryland could deny Exelon key permit to relicense Conowingo Dam
Newsweek 17–23 November 2014_Much-needed step forward_ Rio Tinto
Newsweek 17–23 November 2014_Restoration of Lake Sagsjön continues (in pictures)
Newsweek 17–23 November 2014_We need a new law to protect our wildlife from critical decline
Newsweek 17–23 November_Environmental nod for Mount Bruce’s 70Mt_y iron-ore mine